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Nagabhushana Bhatta
Nagabhushana Bhatta

Nagabhushana Bhatta

professor in sanskrit

retd sanskrit ugc professor

Outlook about increase students’ participation
yes student participation in the nation building is current necessity. earlier inbuilt family compulsions would goad them to work but now the nation needs them to refurbish its global image.
Future of Indian Education System
primary and tertiary education will turn towards sustainability. the declaration of education as a right will bring more into the field of education.but politicisation and business interests weigh down the cursors of development.
Most Challenges facing by students
they are challenged by lack of knowledge and survival skills. global competition is pushing them onward.
Way to motivate Students
by changing my pedagogical skills periodically with updated knowledge and viable skills.
Most Rewarding Moment
when i was honoured by my trust for securing 100% results 3 years in a row.
now even after my retirement they continue their contact with me and work through their alumni.
Strongest Subject
sanskrit literature of all genres and especially the socially relevant dramas of bhasa with social themes.
My inspiring personality
DR ABDUL kalam an exemplary teacher- technocrat as well as SRI Amitabh bachan for his super sartorial abilities and Sir Sachin Tendulkar for his humility and all round cricketing ability
My priorities
social commitment and being the profession of a teacher valuing others time
Outlook about way to raise quality education
remodelling on and holistic priorities. the colonial gauntlet need to thrown out.
About Me
Dr/H.S. Nagabhushana Bhatt A decades AS TEACHEer.COUNSELLER
#976 2 crs 3 blk bsk 3 stg Bangalore 560085
Key skills ;teaching,communication and counseling
##Educational qual…. Ma phd in sanskrit;; ma in english, hindi ratna
Kannada native.
Total exp 40 yrs in ug college
Important Lesson
in keep time and honesty in any task assigned or taken up.maintainig good health like my father in law sri. nagaraju d.s.
My Advice
teaching is not the last/lost resort for unworthy keep abreast with your knowledge
Unique way of teaching
treating teaching as a profession of reckoning . providing corporate environment ,governance training and corporate incentives.
Favorite Non-Academic books
the selfish gene by richard hawkins, physics for the rest of us by roger jones to widen the scope of studies of science and humanities.create an open environment for educationglobally and not and not compartmentalisation as now.
Family Background
Dr Hosakere sesha bhatta Nagabhushana Bhatta hails from a a vedic Brahmin family rooted in the rural traditional advaitic tradition of sri sankaracharya.Dr bhatta had his early and secondary education at tarikerE ,the door to malenadu[the hilly precincts] of Karnataka.
Graduate study was completed with Sanskrit as major and sociology as well as philosophy as minors at sahyadri college shimoga under the mentorship of Dr T.S. Krishna murthy.
He had his p g degree in Sanskrit[1972] and ph.d [1989] degree at pg dept of sanskrit Bangalore university,franked by versatile scholars like darshana ratna profK.T Pandurangi,prof M.A. krishns swamy,profM.A. laxmi tatachar,D r M. shiva kumaraswamy and others.
After a stint of service at Shri Dharmastahala manjunatheswara college ujire [1972-1978] and Vidyavardhaka college ,Bangalore Dr. Bhatta , worked for 4 decades, as h.o.d and ugc professor of Sanskrit at Aps college Bangalore 560019 .
He has taught western philosophy for pg students in Sanskr
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