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Advice Request
Mohit Suri
Mohit Suri

Mohit Suri

Vice President - Marketing

A leading ITES organization


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Decision taken
I have always taken assignments which were very challenging in nature & which thrilled me completely before I took that 1st step of venturing into them & later (as I ventured into them), I never realized when the Thrill turned into Fun.

Life is all about possibilities - anyone can make things possible which look possible to the outside world - Real Fun is in making the unknown possible - that's been the mantra for me in choosing any job. I also tried to ensure that whatever professional decisions I take they should provide me some new exposure, some new experience & it should be a front facing role surrounded by lots of people (clients, teams, partners, providers) - as biggest learning happen in the field while trying something new & bouncing off new ideas with people around...
Key lessons that I have learnt from my professional life are as follows:
-Failure gives us all the mileage-if you are not failing in something everyday that means you are not trying something big, different, unique, extra ordinary, unknown
-Learn from your failures-If you are failing on the same thing again that means you are not learning from your failures
-Be absolutely focused on whatever you are doing & ensure the discipline of keep trying until you are satisfied
-Believe in yourself-You can't stop the world in saying NO to you, but you should never be saying NO to yourself - With your YES & belief, eventually the outside NO's will turn YES very soon
-Get the 1st cut out-While perfection is necessary but don't hold stuff for the sake of perfection. Get the 1st draft out asap – it will give you the momentum, direction & platform to excel to perfection
-Awaken the Leader inside you, by confronting your fears, loving your teams & understanding your business better than anyone else
Comparison of current work from previous one
I have been into sales throughout my career - Started with B2C, moved to B2B, and managed both domestic & international business for IT & BPO organizations. Worked with large corporates & start-ups – Now, leading Marketing for a medium size, ambitious business process management organization – My role involves creating organizational platform to improve the quantity & the quality of sales, re-position & re-brand the organization vis-a-vis market perception, be the voice of customers to excel our deliveries & delight their experiences, provide organization a strategic direction & focus by creating niche offerings & outstanding experiences, improve business profitability & making Work a Fun.

While being into Sales I was always connected to many of these aspects but driving it end-to-end was Unknown to me, which now is going in right direction & seems 100% possible.
After few years
Couple of years from now, I see myself doubling my learning rate, exposure & growth with doubled organizational growth. I & my organization would be in a different league all together creating outstanding experiences and happiest employees, customers & stakeholders - Becoming a global leader in our niche....
Personal Information
I am no Gyani! I am a seeker and would love to spend my life as a seeker, as that provides me an opportunity to explore new things, as that provides me an opportunity to take on new challenges, as that provides me an opportunity to venture into the unknown, as that provides me an opportunity to keep learning each day, as that always keeps me enthusiastic and excited about life, as that makes me what I am today.

Started my career as an ordinary guy who wanted to achieve something BIG in life without realizing what BIG is-I am still an ordinary guy, it’s just that the exposure I have had keeps pushing me to continuously improve the quality of whatever I do. I love interacting with people, travelling, reading & writing Blogs (to do my contribution by inspiring people, to try making this world a little better than yesterday). I am a positive person, who firmly believes that challenges are our best friends & exist only to help us excel in lives to realize our true potential
Describe your struggle of achieving success
I have scaled-up the ladder by choosing my profession in sync with my passion, delivering fast & huge results, keeping an always welcome attitude , being genuinely interested in helping & growing others, taking thrilling challenges and that 1st step of execution with a belief that I CAN DO IT & kept pushing until I DID IT.
New trend
Technology is changing very fast these days - One has to be completely aware of new trends in their respective business lines (at-least) & should be ready to adapt to new ways as early as possible. Cloud Computing, Big Data, Analytics & Consumers Insights are closely related to my industry - Being aware of them & re-designing our business model around them to create a niche for ourselves is something that we are currently working around – The same will help us in diversifying our business & creating focused offerings to specific domains & verticals.
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