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Advice Request
Mohan Mpraj Madan Mohan
Mohan Mpraj Madan Mohan

Mohan Mpraj Madan Mohan

Vice President-HRM

Grasim Industries Ltd.


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Pain Points:
Few areas of concern for the entire HR fraternity are:
1.Dismal support from top management and certain CEOs who focus only on ROIs without the human touch
2.Quality of HR
Recruiting new generation:
As a company initiative, we are recruiting diverse and ambitious Gen Y population. And we also provide them with varied career opportunity, training & development prospects which helps them in planning for their future growth.
The company is enriched with various technologies, services & products. So, as a matter of fact we give the younger generation ample autonomy to work in their area of interest.
Helping to develop the country
Proffesionals can contribute a lot in helping India become a developed country. Few of the ways by which they can contribute in this regard include:
1.Encouraging the talent & intelligence of the people in the system
2.Providing immense opportunities for them to grow & prosper
3.Bringing in a culture of inclusivity & diversity
Attract good people, Retain Better Performers and Advance the Best:
Attracting the good or right people is purely based on HR policies.

The Employee Value Proposition which an organization portrays for its prospective employees matters the most for attraction of the right talent.

Retaining the better performers in the system can be achieved by rewarding, encouraging, and motivating them without any gender discrimination and providing them proper or required trainings necessary for developing their competencies and capabilities.
Advice For Fellow HR Leaders:
Please do match the requirement and expectation of the organization and contribute on par with any other function. And never let down the function or the profession
Leadership Programs in Place:
Many leadership programs are held aiming at grooming potential candidate for future roles. Cross functional exposure, job rotations, job enrichments, developmental plans are prepared with an individualistic perspective etc.
Improving Education system
The education system in India per se is not appalling. But quality is the need of the hour. Dedicated and enthusiastic measures should be taken to improve the quality of education from primary to professional degree level.
Today in India, we produce more number of Engineering graduates and other graduates than the requisite. On the contrary the employability of the person is minimal. Hence, there is shortage of skilled people. Lack of “supposed to be educated” people is contributing to unemployment problems.
The curriculum of the courses should be made more streamlined and an appropriate balance between theory & practical should be maintained.
The educational institutions should be granted enough autonomy to design suitable curriculum as per the changing market needs and scenario.
Above all, I would like to highlight that all the educational institutions should intend at providing qualitative education like the IITs and IIMs.
Current HR Trends:
Inclusivity & Diversity, Recruitment through Social media are few of the trends gaining importance these days.
Apart from the above, few trends which I believe is inevitable for the present day world are:
1.Performance based culture
2.Open & transparent system
3.Interpersonal relationships
4.Developing multi skilling and multitasking amongst employees.
HR Challenges:
Few challenges which I would like to cite are:
1.Continuously upgrading the HR strategies in line with the business requirements
2.Upgrading the talent pipeline and addressing the gaps by providing proper Training & Development avenues
3.Continuous efforts directed towards retaining talent and providing required inputs for taking HR to next level
Qualities that we Look For While Hiring:
I always aim at hiring Right person for the Right job and at the Right time.
Attitude, Interpersonal Relationship, Thinking process & ideology, Basic understanding of the business and presence of mind are few of the qualities I seek in an individual while hiring.
Recommended Reading
Few magazines which I always prefer include HBR (case studies), Human capital, Labour law journals.
Few books which I would recommend are: Leadership on the Line by Ronald A Haifetz, Execution by Ramcharan etc.
Parting Thoughts
The areas which I have mentioned while answering to Q.8 are I believe the need of the hour. The current HR function should re-align their methodologies and practices in a manner to address the above trends.
If we lag behind, we will definitely be losing the race.

So, “Perform or Perish” is going to be the order of the day.
HR Strategies In Place
The HR strategies in my organization are directed towards holistic improvement of individuals and the organization as a whole.
There is a robust process for managing talent which aims at grooming individuals for future roles. Tailor made leadership programs are initiated for preparing the potential candidates for higher roles.
Apart from the above, training programs are designed for all cadre of employees keeping in view their overall growth.
Identifying and Promoting New Leaders:
We identify our leaders after adhering to the principles of Succession Planning in a phased manner.
Continuously reviewing the performance for individual growth considering the ambitions and aspirations of employees thereby integrating all the aspects with organizational development.
Relationship with HR and Top Management
HR should be an integral part of entire business strategy, business development of organization. The relationship of the HR department with the CEO should be highly professional contributing to the betterment of the organization.
In many cases, CEO should be educated on HR matters and the importance of HR in an industry. Few examples of organizations where HR is given apt importance by CEO include Tata group, Infosys, Birla group, Wipro etc.
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