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Advice Request
Mohammad Aziz
Mohammad Aziz

Mohammad Aziz

Principal Investigator/Research Scientist

King Abdullah Intl Med Res Ctr

Ensuring success
I usually keep my professional and family life well segregated. On the professional side, I am constantly taking up new tasks and duties that will be helpful in my growth. Collaboration, communication is the key to develop in scientific research and that I am doing effectively. On the family side, I make it sure that enough time and attention is channeled to my kids and spouse. We plan our holidays sometimes in such a way that both professional and family commitments are met nicely.
Couple of years from now
A well known scientist/manager in the field of cancer. Also, a well contended family person with more time for kids !
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Emotional strength with an ability to empathize.
Perseverance with ability to stand a fair review
Believe in your self and your ideas with a good listening attitude.
Initiative to develop a country
Just keep up the good work and your affiliation with India will help. On sidelines, you can start up voluntary work in many areas at the grassroots level. India needs a lot of effort at grassroots level in education, healthcare etc.
My achievements
An accomplished scientist with consistent performance.Having touched on some of the big milestones in this profession, I feel proud to be among the top performers. The feeling of being a satisfied family person supersedes all my achievements.
My role model
I am inspired by the life of Prophet Mohammad. He is my role model not just because of my religious affiliation but because of the relevance of his teachings in today's world.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Education system in India is so diverse that one could find a good example of everything. At primary school level the problem is the access to good quality education for all and sundry. A uniform school system with basic quality standards should be made mandatory and accessible for every citizen free of charge. At higher education level, India has to think seriously about retaining the talent and preventing the brain drain. Its such a paradox that mostly the best students get all their education in India and then serve in other countries.we need strong policies that can help retain talent and bring back the national treasure of human resource.
Important decision
This is yet to be proven. whether the decisions I took were important or not ! However, my decision to leave a career in medicine and take up biotechnology as a new option was the most important. I am yet to fully realize the importance of this decision but it was really a big one.
My family background
I was born in a family of physicians and healthcare related professionals. My grandfather, father, sister, aunt, uncle have all been serving people in hospitals and clinic. My brother works as an engineer and another one as an educationist. I was able to break away and join the stream of biotechnology but for the same cause of helping patients.
Influenced by
My father - I have found him to be the force behind me in my progress. His compassion, his solicitous,stoical nature has been so comforting and rejuvenating for me.
More about myself
Siliconindia is doing a tremendous job in keeping Indians connected with India. I have been a long time reader of this wonderful website. Small efforts will make big changes and make India a happy and prosperous country.
Degree that I recommend
PhD is very necessary and certification depend on your area of specialization. Mostly there are no certifications.
Brief description about me
I am a scientist researching towards tackling colorectal cancer. I am trained as a molecular biologist with a PhD in Biotechnology. I am trying to develop new methods and products that help the patients in the clinic.Very enthusiastic about new technologies and their new usage in medical science and elsewhere. With a heavily demanding profession, I try to be a good family person as well. I enjoy travelling and have traveled different places in many countries.
Important lesson learned
Stay humble and simple. Life is not about running after certain things or achieving some milestones. They are just a part of it. Adaptation is the key not just for survival but for staying happy and satisfied. In fact, your adaptation to your surroundings can lead to a phenomenal change in the surroundings as well.
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