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Advice Request
Mihir Shah
Mihir Shah

Mihir Shah

Associate Consultant at Wipro Technologies

Wipro Technologies

Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
I think we will have to promote entrepreneurship culturally by fine tuning the syllabus towards more problem solving approach. As a society we should acknowledge, recognize and support people who try to "do it on their own"; and government too must develop incentives to promote an environment for start-ups.
Company and job profile
‘Never say die, up man and try’ is one quote that defines me as a person. I am an engineer and did my MBA from Great Lakes Institute of Management. Currently I am working with Wipro Technologies as an Associate Consultant in the Advanced Analytics practice. My work basically revolves around helping businesses apply various analytics tools and techniques to get better insights about their customers and drive profitability.
Books recommended
Most people who join analytics come with some background in Statistics or Math, which is a pre-requisite. Therefore they know how to apply the tools and techniques from a theoretical perspective. But where one falters initially is when one is not able to apply these tools in a business context. Therefore I would encourage people to read up about business or companies in general and get a sense of how they operate, what are the goals, priorities etc.
My strongest Skill
Getting things done in time, irrespective of the hurdles and challenges. I firmly believe in picking up something useful every time I fall and then build on it. Being open to the ideas and solutions offered by team members and implementing them in a transparent way.
My role model
For me it’s more about making my own characteristic journey and getting inspired along the way. It’s a jigsaw where the philosophies of Swami Vivekanda find special recognition as the knowledge based economy coming up in a big way approves it. As he said the future depends on the youth and so do I firmly believe.
Goals and Ambitions
Every big dream is realized in small progressive quantum and 5 years is a good benchmark. In 5 years i seek to hold a more influential position where my skills can be more consequential.
Family Background
I come from a typical Gujarati business family in Calcutta. My dad has a machine tools business and mom is a home maker. My younger sister is an emerging fashion designer.
Making job easier
Listening to people and understanding what they are implicitly trying to convey goes a long way in finding solutions and getting things done.
Managing professional as well as personal life
Well each has its own joy and satisfaction; and to live up to both is a lifetime balancing act keeping our priorities right. I do a pro-active scheduling keeping time for my family and activities that help me rejuvenate. Spending some own time each day; a lot of which I devote to reading helps me to relax and manage my day to day stress.
Current Trends
Further integration between mobile and big data will be a strong force going forward.
My advice
Must do: Be open to ideas and ready to learn, don’t shy away from challenges. You will not always have answers to all the questions but then on exploring one can even discover God.

Not to do: Lot of people when they start suffer from what we call ‘Law of the instrument’ or hammer and nail problem. For example they want to apply regression analysis to everything. Instead it helps to pause and think through the problem and see how a solution can be reached.
My important career decision
Unlike most of my peers I have been working with my current company since I first joined it after completing my engineering. Post my MBA I decided to come back to Wipro Technologies. This has helped me build currency inside the organization and navigate my career path in a better way. I feel one need to look at a career from a long term perspective and not as a series of short assignments.
Being different
I don’t believe in segregating but in blending. Great things happen when "Ideas have sex. 1+1 becomes eleven. I seek to learn from as varied disciplines as one can imagine and try to apply them to my engineering. A guitarist in a pub too can teach a thing or two about technology- as his symphony (sequence of code) of notes (codes) creates a melody (successful software).
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