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Advice Request
Shubhendu Singh
Shubhendu Singh

Shubhendu Singh

Engineering with an Entrepreneurial...

FoOfys solution


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Shubhendu Singh's Advice

Love your Profession, not your company

Are you interested in what you are choosing your profession as? As he/she will be spending most of his/her time working. So give things a try, but with full heart and concentration and keep exploring your interests and work towards it. Be sure of not just hanging around as it will surely not take you anywhere and neither will add value to your Life and Experience. "Love your Profession, not your company"
Challenges faced in job
My aim in this Life is to be a successful serial entrepreneur with the expertise in, if not all than most of the fields. With the experience I have gained over a period of time with my venturing into various start up business has made me gain a lot of knowledge about business and management which were never my field of expertise as an Engineering graduate.
My first organisation was "Parivartann change for better" an NGO which works to fund children education from economically weaker sections of our society. With good initial support from my friends had made us achieve few milestones but still a long long way to go.
With my current Job I am learning many more things like how a Financial planning and execution is done for a company, how to develop and introduce a new technology and many more things.
My strongest Skill
Strategic Marketing & Business Development has always been my subject of Interest and when given a chance to prove my capabilities, I have still not proved it to 100% but I know I will in the times to come.
My latest association with a Mobile App company in Bangalore [ FoOfys, a product of Mpigeon] has made me share my experiences of Market Research, strategies for promotion and new ideas for future growth. It is more than the idea, the team that decides a success or failure of any product in the market.
Goals and Ambitions
I would like to work within this 5 years and would make myself economically self sustainable and pursue my hobbies for next phase of my Life. Hopefully, Post 5 years from now I would be on a lifetime vacation and travel the world, share knowledge, exchange culture, learn languages. And do some social work and support budding entrepreneurs.

As a career perspective, I would like to hold few Partnerships and association with my current ventures and upcoming too.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
Technologies in First world nations and in developing countries have a very wide gap. This is basically due to low grade of education system of our country. Our education system does not go hand in hand with the Industries upcoming requirement.
And to carry a research there has to be a big capital investment, which I believe was not concentrated by our government earlier but as the scenario is changing, world is looking towards India as the Next Silicon Valley.
Family Background
I am from a moderate family background which has a general middle class approach towards life. My father is employed and my mother is a home maker. And my only elder sister she is happily married and looking to explore new options in life.
My role model
To be very honest with this question, I have kept searching for my role model since childhood [As this was a common question which used to pop up in school life].
Till now I haven't found one.

But meeting so many people has made me meet few who are inspiration to me like Mr. Arvind Pandit [Founder, 1Lotus Market Research] and Akshay Kingar [ Founder Mpigeon], their attitude and approach towards life & business is just worth complimenting.
Managing professional as well as personal life
Initially , I was not good at managing this but Time Management and Priority is what I have recently learnt needs to be followed religiously, if one needs to achieve something in Life.
In my professional experience I have never seen lack of time as a problem , If you have a good Time management skills. And if you can prioritize your work then it becomes easy to manage your Professional or personal life.
Making job easier
Using latest tools and technology to make things and job simpler. Planning your work schedule and meetings in advance.
We are humans we are prone to errors but we always can minimize them by well planning and having a good vision and time management skills.
Company and job profile
I have a vision for everything that I do, I not only dream but value time and believe that dreams come true, If you are ready to. I am an engineer by degree, but had a varied job profiles.
I worked as a Sales Engineer, Business Development for market Research Start Up, Back and Front end Sales, System Application Engineer, Costing and International Business.

Company in which I am employed is a MNC which is leading market share in its choice of business in Europe. I am Costing and System Application Engineer. My current job profile is adding knowledge of Accounts, Finance, Costing & Software tool development skills.

But, there is something more than this 8 hours of job. I am linked with various Start Up in the past and currently as well. And I believe every new person I meet has something new and good to teach me. I love this part of my Job more than anything else.
My advice
Are you interested in what you are choosing your profession as? As he/she will be spending most of his/her time working. So give things a try, but with full heart and concentration and keep exploring your interests and work towards it.
Be sure of not just hanging around as it will surely not take you anywhere and neither will add value to your Life and Experience.

"Love your Profession, not your company"
Being different
Being an engineer makes me understand easily the technical details associated to various product lines. It makes me understand the technical issues which are causing hindrance to a companies growth.

But, the management will always want results and this is the point where you need to step in and learn those skills which can make you a good manager and contributes to overall growth of your profile. I believe learning should never be stopped, it is a continuous process.

So just don't be an Engineer by degree be a complete professional with expertise in field of your choice. It will make your corporate Life easier and respectable.
Books recommended
1)Connect the dots - Rashmi Bansal
2) Business Generation Model
3)Lean Start Up

The first book will raise your interest in the subject of entrepreneurship, it will make you go through the success stories of Dot revolution entrepreneurs.
If you like to be one among them than, go read Business Generation Model, It is one of the simplest books that I was suggested by a friend which was good and very easy to understand complexities of Business model, even being from a Non-Management background.

And third one is must, so that you learn from others mistake and do not repeat them.
My important career decision
First was to step into a Management Field , where I did not even had a degree. The only thing I had belief in self and interest in the field.
Next is still to come.
My achievement
Parivartann which gave me an opportunity to help others.
Interesting and amazing friends on the way to a becoming a successful entrepreneur.
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