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Advice Request
Manoj Rathi
Manoj Rathi

Manoj Rathi

Founder and CEO

Krono Soft


Manoj Rathi is a member of:

- Expert
Differentiate Strategies in place with your Competitors
ROI is our key focus along with quality service at a competitive price, keeping our customers updated with the ever changing marketing and technology space is one more USP.
Unique strategies that gone unseen or a superhit.
Billboards is a common media, that everyone would know about. We came up with walking billboards which has been quiet a hit.
Positioning products in market
Startups, Individuals, Micro and SME Companies are our key focus
Brand Identity creation
  • Professional Outlook,
  • Clear and Consistent Messaging,
  • Honesty in what we do.
From a customer point of view Purchasing of a product Is
All products and services sold today are need based. When the need arises is when the customer will buy the same. Packaging and Pricing the product correctly is the key.
Past, present and future of Marketing for marketing experts
Loads of opportunities were available, are available and will be available, need to move forward with an open positive mind and most importantly keep your eyes and ears open to all that you come across.
Company description & strategies in place
Krono is a digital and direct marketing solutions company. Scope of services covered mentioned here below:-

Digital Broadcasting

Voice SMS

Direct Marketing Services

Call Centre Solution
Direct Mailing
Dabawalla Insertion
Pamphlet / Newspaper Insertion
Loyalty Solution
Neighbourhood Marketing

ATL & BTL Services

BTL/Events & Rural Communication

Print, Design & Other Services

Fliers / Leaflets
Invitation Cards
Web Design
Other Marketing Collaterals
Data Entry
Todays Marketing Trend
Increasing focus on ROI is what is making it more interesting and challenging at the same time.
Some of the Marketing Appeals & Tactic
A clear, simple presentation of product or service benefits. "Do you need this? We have it." formula is what really works. It is also very important to secure the client and help him gain trust in you.
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