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Advice Request
Nithin M Warrier
Nithin M Warrier

Nithin M Warrier

Android Developer

Wipro Technologies


Nithin M Warrier is a member of:

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The Journey : Early Days to How I Got Here
I started my career with a small start-up company in Chennai in 2007. The CEO of that company was an avid fan of new technologies. So I got an opportunity to work in Android. But that start-up closed shortly. So I need to take a choice whether to stick with Android or look for other technologies. I decided to stick with Android, and search for jobs in Android. At that time, recession slowly reached India and I worked in many companies for a short span of time like three to four months. Those experiences made me strong and I focussed more on Android. I started writing blog and got lot of contacts through it
Decisions that mattered
When my first company, the start-up closed I need to take a decision on whether to stick to Android or to change technology to look for a job. That was in 2008. At that time, Android just entered the market. First Android phone launched in Sep.2008 from T-Mobile. So nobody knows about the future of Android. But I decided I will stick to Android and that decision made me to this stage. Now I have a blog in Android which has more than 130 followers and I created lot of Android applications. I have a decent job in an MNC.

The Turning Points
After working in lot of small companies for short duration and finally got a job in an MNC. There I worked in lot of Android application development projects.

Work and Role: Then and Now
In my current job, I am not only developing Android applications, but also I got opportunity to work in Android platform like Honeycomb.

There is not much difference in my professional life as my job is to
work. Now I am more confident to do any work in Android. I can
independently develop an application.
Two Years Down the Line
I like to work for some more years in mobile application development as an employee, then as lead and finally as architect. In long-term, I want to be an entrepreneur.  That is my ambition.

Lessons Learnt
The important lesson as a developer is that, we have to enjoy what we are doing. Then we will spend more time on our work, we will think on it even when we are not in our desk.
Trends to Watch Out For
Cloud computing and cross-platform mobile application development is the main technology that I am watching for. Cross-platform technologies like HTML5, phoneGap etc are there to watch. In mobile platforms, the main players are going to be iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry.

My Advice If You are Starting Out
There should be always a thrive to learn more. Each day we have to add some value-addition to our life by learning a new thing in our field.

Must Focus Areas in Mobile Domain
Mobile cloud computing is an area that I am looking into. The other area is cross-platform mobile application development.

Do We Need Certifications?
I don’t recommend certifications. In Android, there is no authorized certificates from any valid partner. Even though some institutions have certificate programmes in Android like AndroidAcademy.

Books/ Websites I Recommend
Android developer sites, forums and stackOverflow are some of the common sites that I will look into.

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