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Animesh Bisaria
Animesh Bisaria

Animesh Bisaria

Vice President & Head, Sales and Consulting Services

Integra Micro Software Services


Animesh Bisaria is a member of:

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Differentiate Strategies in place with your Competitors
A major portion of our business comes from existing customers, who appreciate our quality services and trust built by us over the years. Being the preferred partner of many of our major customers, automatically gives us an edge over our competitors. We believe in focusing on customers rather than competition. We have realized that our customers do love this attention and we continue to gain from it! As I understand Sales is all about developing customer relationship and this is what we practice at Integra.
Unique strategies that gone unseen or a superhit.
Our well appreciated strategy thus far has been to enhance relationship management at the organization level along with building a niche of confidence and trust with our customers. We believe in providing personalized attention to our customers so that they consider us more as a partner than vendor and we remain in their radar always.
Market share Captured
We believe that we are a company with the right credentials for most organizations that want to outsource software development and maintenance work. There is still a lot that can be captured than what we currently have. Our current strategies include increasing percentage of customer satisfaction rather than market share. By doing so, we get the desired results.

We have good number of customers from telecom domain where we have executed important assignments. We hope to leverage our relationship with them.
Positioning products in market
Integras resources are equipped with latest skills and technologies to help customers reduce time to market for their products. Leveraging the expertise of our senior management we are able to deliver projects more effectively and efficiently. We believe that we get paid by our customers for the value we provide through our services and therefore do not compromise on quality our customers look for.

Our services include the following
  • Product development and re-engineering
  • Lifecycle maintenance and sustenance engineering
  • Testing and acceptance
  • Porting and migration
  • Portal
  • Consulting services
Our expertise lies in shortening the development lifecycle for our customers and also enabling them to focus on their core areas in line with business strategies.
Brand Identity creation
We are a wholly owned subsidiary of Integra Micro Systems, a multi-faceted software company with over three decades of experience, founded in 1982. We believe that there is no branding better than a reputation thats built over years through our customer experiences. Word of mouth has been our most successful Ad campaign so far. We try to enhance our brand visibility by ensuring customer delight and also by participating in various exhibitions and conferences. We also extend our reach through advertisements in top business publications.
Way to reach customers through sales force
Strategic business plans based on targets, investments and industry trends are prepared in line with our strengths and mission. This is reviewed and modified quarterly to align ourselves with the changing industry trends. Marketing investments are planned out and returns gauged based on our achievements. We try understanding customer expectations to work out our requirements at Integra. The only mantra to sales team is to think from customers perspective in terms of what value our services would add to his/her business.
Todays Marketing Trend
Mobile marketing will be the biggest trend in years to come. Transactions today whether shopping, banking or payments have started happening on the move by sizeable percentage of mobile users across the globe and this is an indication for all of us to focus on strengthening mobile devices. Social media marketing is emerging as a strong marketing tool to build brands and offer services. ROI can be effectively gauged using this medium.
Company description & strategies in place
Integra Micro Software Services (Integra) is a software product engineering Services company based out of Bangalore, India. We specialize in helping customers shorten the software development lifecycle of products and solutions by participating from conceptualization to software design, programming, testing and acceptance tests in the areas of Telecom, Consumer Electronics and Portals, from mobile devices to cloud.

Every year the management reviews the focus areas based on industry trends. Strategic initiatives are also started within the organization keeping in mind the future trends of the industry. Being a software services company we try keeping ourselves updated on new and emerging technologies besides keeping an eye on what would enrich life of people across, which makes it obvious in terms of what needs to be done.

Our strategy for this year is to focus on solving customer pain points with respect to maintenance and re-engineering of legacy products so that they could continue to serve their end customers by providing improved performance on various platforms.
Biggest pain point
Our brand visibility is largely limited to technology companies in domestic market. While this is our core strength and our source of revenue, we also need to expand our services to overseas market. This requires investments and planning to succeed in a volatile market.

Matrix to Long sale cycle and multiple Buyers at same time
Engagement is measured by longevity of customer relations, revenue, profit margins and most importantly customer delight.
Accurate model of customers buying process
We are a software services company and venture for outsourced projects from companies within our focus areas.

After understanding a potential need from customer, we provide our insights into the areas actually generating the need (which could be our customers customer or an inherent business requirement) and how we could better service this need with a single focus on shortening time to market through our experienced project management policies and technology expertise.

We are able to effectively communicate the benefits in terms of investments and efforts, to our customer, who should finally be confident while giving us the opportunity to provide our services
Relationship of Marketers with the CEOs
This relationship is a very important one and we have seen the CEO playing effectively the role of the CMO as well. And in todays time, the CEO and the CMO must be closely associated to define and implement marketing strategies. After all, customers and prospects define and create business success stories.
From a customer point of view Purchasing of a product Is
Relationship with customers and the rapport we share with them is perhaps the key influencer in strengthening product and/ or services purchases. Customer should be

1. Confident that the product and/ or services being purchased will effectively meet business requirements

2. Confident that the seller delivers the right product and/ or services, catering to all the requirements with high quality.

3. Trust that the price being paid is right and value being received by them is more than their expectations.

4. Trust that the seller will support the product, providing efficient and quality maintenance.
Thoughts on Social Media Monitoring Tools
Social media monitoring tools help in understanding customer sentiments, preferences, market trends and building useful analytics in making smart marketing choices. Capturing and analyzing customer response helps drive business forward.
Some of the Marketing Appeals & Tactic
Winning customer trust has always been our primary goal. It is this rich history of long lasting customer relationships which helps us reach deeper in the market attracting more customers. Advertisements, participation in conferences prove to be extremely beneficial in creating new business networks and opportunities.
Past, present and future of Marketing for marketing experts
Earlier marketing was all about selling the products that were on hand. Nowadays its about understanding customer needs, giving feedback to design and development teams about the kind of products and/ or services needed in the market, and reacting to customer feedback. Customer preferences dictate the market trends and the value-adds provided by us help in improving both our top line and bottom line.
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