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Advice Request
Manoj Jain
Manoj Jain

Manoj Jain

Manager - QA & Test Evengelist ,

CA Technologies


Manoj Jain is a member of:

- Expert
The Journey : Early Days to How I Got Here
In 1999, I started my career in testing domain and since then I am in the field of Software Testing with sustaining engineering having a proven record in delivering quality products timely and efficiently. Having rich experience of working with product based companies & global work experience by working and execution of projects both in India and abroad. During this period I played a variety of roles under umbrella of testing and performed various kinds of testing too. 
Decisions That Mattered
The decisions which I made were related to what kind of testing I am doing and how well I could perform. Whether I am learning anything from my current role or not? I made my decisions accordingly when I started feeling that things are not going right and any further efforts and time has to be invested which does not yield much.
The Turning Points
All the above points are not just career decisions, these are the inflection points in my life for myself and as well as for my organization also. Some point of a time we had faced a situation of either making it or breaking it. These scenarios really helped us to reach our hard goals which were tremendous and long lasting.
Work and Role: Then and Now
All my jobs provided me unique opportunities based on context. In my current job I am not only part of just performing and managing a testing team but involved in all aspects of software development. As we work on products it provides us excellent opportunity to try a wide range of things and learn from such experiences and perform better next time.
Two Years Down the Line
To reach a higher designation in the testing domain. 
What I Learnt Along the Way

1. Innovation

2. Excellence and

3. Fulfilling commitments

The above things will always give niche advantage to anyone and everyone.

Changing Days: Lessons Learnt
Its agile. Things are changing so fast that it is a situation of "Perform or Perish". With new technologies there are multiple challenges and we need to constantly challenge status quo and evolve so that we can meet or exceed the pace.
Trends to Watch Out For
From testing perspective its no more a field where someone who is not aware of technology can perform well. These days anyone and everyone should be at par with technology and one who cannot perform will struggle for existence.
My Advice If You are Starting Out
Think out-of-the-box and strive for excellence. Before doing any activity just you make sure that you know why youre doing so? Can there be a better way of doing that?
Must Focus Areas For the Future
Security Testing, Performance Testing, Endurance Testing, Usability Testing, Accessibility Testing, Integration Testing using Cloud Apps, Web Services testing etc.
Do We Need Certifications?
Personally I haven't gone through any formal certification in field of testing however long back I planned to CSTE. I would like to suggest that only.
Books/ Websites I Recommend
These days there are multiple sites and books so there is nothing specific that I would recommend as each of them has specific advantages. Only thing I would recommend is to keep referring both on regular basis. Regarding sites, I would also recommend to participate in forums and assist others for the areas that you are working.
Last But Not Least
Sharing information as much as possible and don't miss any opportunity where you can meet other testers not only in your organization but outside too.
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