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Advice Request
Manohar Singh
Manohar Singh

Manohar Singh

Branch Development Partner

Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance Company Limited


Manohar Singh is a member of:

Awards and Recognitions
For me my work is my award, if it serve the purpose of doing it. I had been awarded many times starting from ground level to Zonal Level & National Level.
I believe awards/rewards are very much required as an external motivational factor, but do not work for the sake of getting it.
Managing personal and professional life
Life is full of challenge, take it & enjoy it. I am a learner which keep me very open all the time. Mistakes will only considered as mistake, if it happens knowingly. This rule is applicable for my personal as well professional life. Personal & professional life are two side of coin of LIFE, balance is very essential for a human being.
Excellence in Management
I do not have any boundary in my mind for my job profile. Time management, ownership & hard work are the key to success. As a trainer I have trained my team member to accomplish the task on time & make them understood for their work responsibilities too. I was transferred to usually to that place(s) where performance was negligible, within last one year I have contributed at various aspect & achieved No 1 position in the Zone. Contributed with innovative ideas in my day to day work & made contribution for out of it like, savings of papers by dual side printing which have saved a lot of money as well as environment in terms of saving trees. I always focus on root because that is the way to get desired result.
Team Management
As for as the team environment is concerned, I promote friendly & transparent environment within the team. It provides a platform where each & every team member can share their ideas towards getting a solution & feel free for new initiatives.
Interaction is based on innovative methodology which can give solution.
Influenced by
My grandfather & A P J Kalam sir. Since childhood I am very close to my grandfather & learned a lot out of him; specially his policy of following “honesty”. The great Kalam sir’s simplicity & the way he has achieved his destination what I have read in his autobiography “Agni Kee Udaan/Wings of Fire”.
Important career decisions
Recently I have change the field of my work (job) after working for a long time of 14 years in insurance industry, in different-different capacity. I have taken this decision to contribute my learning/experience into new generation.
Ensuring Growth
Ownership, time management & utmost utilization of available resources which leads to grow value/respect/honor with in the team.
Tech Management matters more on
Providing solution on practical aspect of life is the key for a tech manager, which plays a vital role in their career as a manager. There should be a balance between their thought processes for quality product/service which has to fulfill the requirement in right manner.
Family background
I born in a joint family where values & education are focused at each & every stages of life. My grandfather was an editor in a renowned English newspaper of his time, father is operating agri business, mother is house maker, 2 elder brothers (1st one is operation manager in a MNC & 2nd one is MD for an IT/internet company), sister is married & settled with brother in law who is Principal in an intermediate college. My wife is pursuing for higher study in education.
My advice
Only few words I want to say to upcoming management leaders that whatever you want to do, do it. But have focus on humanity, prepare yourself for today & be ready for future solutions too. There is no shortcut in life & career. Be a good listener so that you can respond appropriately.
Handling Grievances
If you are transparent with your team members, grievances will be very less. In case of such situation, I analyze the reason behind & provide suitable solution to the concerned employee.
More about me
Our education system is requiring a change & change is happening, but time is asking for a great balance between industry & institution. In other words, we can say that education institution/system has to design courses, post discussion with expert/experienced personnel of the respective industry.
Leadership qualities
Without a team, no one can be a leader. I understand/analyze strength of each & every member of team, knowledge, understanding of the subject matter; which can cater need of present & future.
My views on India Technical development
By putting right efforts at right time for bridging the gap between educational courses offered by institutions & requirement of the industries, we can produce better tech product. Classroom education has to open the door & has to initiate for providing solution to the society. Promotion required on entrepreneurship education.
Current Job description
Currently I am working as a Training and Placement Officer for an engineering and management college. I am responsible for overall development of our students other than the subject knowledge of their stream and course, getting them placed in an organization where they can grow and learn.

. To look after the training and placement activities of students
∙ To have close liaison with industry for placement of students
∙ To work in consultation with Coordinator Industry‐Institute Interaction for organizing lectures from the professionals from industry
∙ To collect feedback from the companies coming for placement
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