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Advice Request
Kunjvihari Pujari
Kunjvihari Pujari

Kunjvihari Pujari

Assistant Manager



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Branding is very much important, Customers gets attracted towards the brand name only.
Marketing is an Art & Science. marketing plays a very important role in generating a revenue of any of the organisation. If Marketing is not there of any of the business then how can Customers attract to that organisation. Marketing gives a detailed idea about the products & services offered by the company/ org.
'Marketing' in my words is an Earning department, a revenue generating department for any of the organisation.
Importance of sales
The turnover of any of the organisation depends upon the'Sale' of that organisation & Sale is nothing but the execution of orders in hand which in turn earn profit to an organisation.
Motivating Factor
Freedom to take decisions, delegation of authorities to appropriate personnel.
Suggestions to aspirants
first of all i would like to clear the difference between 'Sales' &' Marketing' Marketing has a very different & important role in any of the organisation.
those who want to make their career in marketing field only should :
1)should have a good communication skills & be able to convince the customers, since customer is god.
2)Adopt the thorough knowledge about the products & services offered by the company.
2)they should also have the knowledge about the competitors & market position.
Future prospect
in the list of Senior positions of the organisation.
Positioning the product
We are the Pioneers in market about our products.
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