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Advice Request
Kumar Abhishek
Kumar Abhishek

Kumar Abhishek

Systems Engineer

Infosys Limited

Brief description about me
I am a 23 year old guy and I hail from in my opinion the most wonderful state, Bihar. I completed my Secondary Education from Patna Central School, Patna (Bihar) and I went on for a B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology, Guna (MP).  Now I am working as a Systems Engineer at Infosys Limited, Bhubaneswar.
Important career decision
Right decision at right point of time is really important in all the phases of life. During the days of campus placements, I made up for both Infosys as well as Accenture. Both the giants are exceptionally well in the industry. It was really a tough decision for me to choose either of them. On one side it was world class Internship offered by Infosys which would be a good head start on other hand it was Accenture. Infosys offered a 4 months internship program, that too at the time of final semesters moreover my Alma-mater also promised to coordinate well by completing the semester in a shorter span of time.
Finally after a lot of brainstorming sessions my inclination shifted towards Infosys and this remains true to this day. Infy is where my career has started; it will always be the most important career decision for me.

Degree that matters
According to me skill and hard work are more important than Degrees/Certification. So it’s better to enhance our skill according to what we like and what we are passionate about so that we can build our career with that in heart. Everything else shall fall in place on its own.
Prospective Towards Freshers
First job!! Yes it’s a major pivot point from where our life starts changing, from a student or a boy to a responsible citizen of the nation. As a human nature we seek pleasure and we always want to remain in our comfort zone on other hand Current corporate culture just pulls us from our cradle to the reality. That is the reason why we feel first job is hardest but actually that is our transition phase and learning period, however I can say First Job teaches us a lot.
Freshers are the young enthusiastic, energetic citizens who are the future of any nation. In the current world scenario India has the maximum population of young blood. Youngsters or Freshers are wet clay for Organization whom they can shape as per their requirement to achieve long term goals. Hiring a fresher can add an element of energy to the work environment and culture, which can pace up the performance and organization, can remain adhered to their deadlines.
Strongest skill/Attributes
Two line influence me the most:
a.     Practice makes a man perfect.
b.    Nothing is impossible as the word itself says “I M Possible”
Though I am not a perfectionist but, Yes I try to do my work in a perfect way. I do believe that perfection can be only be achieved by practicing. For me 10,000hrs rule is really helpful as it focuses on practice.
Secondly I think nothing is impossible, we can achieve success in every aspect of life by remaining optimistic and working hard. It is the hard work which can raise us to pinnacles.
Last but not the least Patience is another attribute of mine.
Role Model
Swami Vivekananda, a well renowned name for the world. His philosophy – “Do this either by work, or worship, or mental discipline, or philosophy—by one, or more, or all of these—and be free” inspires me a lot.In every aspects of life, it motivates me to remain a goal centric.

Upcoming Trends
Our world is shrinking, right from letters, emails to text messages, audio calls to video calls and lots more. Everything is now in our palm or just a call away. Our life has changed through a small device which remains in our pockets, hands we called it Mobile. Yes the mobile has changed our life a lot and I believe development in this field can play major role for future world.
Moreover Cloud and Big-data are other technical aspects which can be proved as a revolution for futuristic-world.
My Goals/Ambitions
Yes, being an IT Professional I do like to see myself in managerial hierarchy of the industry.
Advice from Elders
I was always advised to be enthusiastic for our goals and work hard for that which motivated me at each and every point of time.
For me this question is really tough to answer because I am in the building phase of my life, my career so I can’t figure out yet.
Advice to young students
For younger generation I can only say that always listen to your heart and opt for the profession which you like in which you think you can excel. Work on your passion and prove yourself to the world. Moreover have patience and work hard.
India strategy on technical development
India is a developing country and we can’t deny the fact that India is amongst the world’s prime market place. We have all the resources but we are lacking in confidence. Right from Product manufacturing to its launching as a brand to the market involves lot of risk which we are not ready to take.There are only fewer individuals who take risk.  Even the condition of a common man does not allow him to do so. If a guy merely wants to do something he lacks the support. Day to day increasing inflation brings new challenges for survival. We are in the era where we have to fight to live a simple life.
Moreover we think that foreign products are better, right from the example of a small shoes to the cell phones we give priority to foreign products e.g. Reebok, Adidas, Nokia etc. even we have their Indian competitors as well but we merely opt for them. Any cell phone with Indian brand is observed to be inferior to foreign brands.
We lack in self-confidence, we avoid risks and that we lack support that’s all I can say.
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