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Advice Request
Kanika Rana
Kanika Rana

Kanika Rana

Business Development Manager

Nucleus Microsystmes Pvt. Ltd.


Kanika Rana is a member of:

Making job easier
Coordination and good communication with the team members
Family Background
I belongs to a middle class family where you are always trained to aim high with the help of minimum funds. Enjoyed my childhood a lot, with cooperative parents and brothers. The benefit to born in a joint family family is that you get to know the value of money and at the same time you will not have bars on enjoying .. you can go anywhere with your siblings and at any time. You will surely have unlimited fun.
Managing professional as well as personal life
Its easy .. keep your personal work at home and professional in office. Never take you work home is the simple mantra to be happy .
My achievement
I think the self satisfaction is the biggest achievement for me,which I have got in my both the jobs. If you are not enjoying your work then you can never achieve any goal and hence you should not waste the time in just waiting for the good opportunity. Just move on and search the things.
Company and job profile
I am B.Tech -IT graduate and working with a software firm as a Business Development Manager. I have started working just after completing my B.Tech as a Product Manager with a e-book vendor and gained experience in the field of Online Marketing from there. Overall,its been a nice journey till now.

The company in which I am working currently is the vendor of VTS device. Here,i got a great opportunity to put my ideas forward to the software team and then presenting the output to the word. It feels excited to wait and watch ,what will come up from your views.

This is the field where you can explore your self and can interact with entire world. You can show your creativity to the customers and can also work on their needs and get the softwares customize accordingly. Its a fun process.
Books recommended
I would like them to have set goals and if they have any ideal then just go and read his life story ,so that you can get to know the things which he has faced and the area from which he comes up and arrange to be a person which can be an ideal for someone.
My advice
Just be patient,nothing comes in a day. So,concentrate and work hard,you will get the things at the correct time.
Goals and Ambitions
I want to be my self and want to have my own restaurant.
My strongest Skill
My communication skills
Challenges faced in job
To convince a customer.

As it will bring me in contact of the people from all over the world,it will help me to grow more.
Being different
As I have the technical knowledge and the management too,hence i can market any thing with the broad aspects.
Current Trends
SEO and Video Marketing
My important career decision
To change my previous job.
My role model
Rahul Dravid... he tells us how to come back and come back with a bang.
To polish your skills and on the basis of the same retain your position for the lifetime and register your self as the single person which can make the things happen.
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