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Advice Request
Kalpesh Patel
Kalpesh Patel

Kalpesh Patel


Merit Internationals


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Important decision
Knowledge is Power if it is used by "Right People and for Right Cause".
I am Decided to keep learning and upgrading my knowledge and skills all the time.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Education in India is the best and great but International Recognition is not there for any Indian Degrees. When Indian Degrees are recognized Internationally then I feel it is greatest and biggest Achievements of Indian Universities.
Degree that I recommend
I am already equipped with multiple qualification and multiple trade licenses...Still I keep learning...
My strongest skill
Sales, Marketing, Customer Services and Customer Care...
I feel it is very hard to match our level of Customer Services and Customer care...:)
Influenced by
My Father...My father is Self made man still he is down to earth and keep learning...My father must have offered Ladder to many...:)
My family background
My father is highly educated, technical and technocrats Person as well...All our family members are educated and trained as well.
Initiative to develop a country
Every professionals must love what they do and do what they love...:)
Be honest and sincere with their job assignments...Everyone need to play their role honestly and ethically and need to work in Team...:)
Honestly Pay tax and try to minimise corruption minimum possible level...:)
One must brings up their subordinates....successful leaders must create more and more leaders....There is strong needs to change our thoughts and vision everyone must learn to looked at hand of growing people...:)
My role model
My Father and my things is common amongst them is all of them are self made personalities....:)
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
One must saturate mind with idea of success.
Leader must be having vision for tomorrow's...
Leader must be creative and constructive...
MIMP is Leader must learn to looked at Hands of growing people and hands of their subordinates as well...
My achievements
I am educated, trained and experienced in multiple areas...
I use my knowledge and experience for good...:)
Ensuring success
Keep learning, keep updating as well...:)
I love what I do and I do what I love...:)
Important lesson learned
Whatever you do it is very hard to make everyone happy...:)
Keep going...keep active and alert as you never know people with negative attitude and negative thoughts are in crowd around you as well....:)
Couple of years from now
As I said, I am happy with what I am doing today and I love what I do I keep I doing what I love...I am placed much better that yesterday and I will be placed much better in future as well....:)
Brief description about me
Hi! I am Pharmacist from India. I have migrated to Sydney and now I am Citizen of Australia. Just Brief Introduction about my career and achievements are as under...

I am Qualified...Trained...Experience...Marketing Person...
Registered Pharmacist,
I have worked with
Cadila-Soft Capsule Dept
US Vitamin (I) Ltd...Orals Dept(Liquid/Tablets/Capsule and Tablets Coatings)/Injectables/Central Packing.

Holding Multiple Professional Qualifications and Multiple Trade Licenses as well....Jack of All N Master of Marketing....:)
I am Winner of Indoor and Outdoor Sports as well.
In addition to these I am Trained and Experienced in Life Saving Equipments / Surgical Lasers as well.
Technical Person at Capsule Section....Etc
And I am Holding Multiple Trade Licenses as well.
I am servicing local Communities as Justice of Peace.
Contestant of Australian Federal Govt. Election 2010
Contestant of Australian Federal Govt Election 2013...As well...
More about myself
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