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Advice Request
Jebaraj S Samuel
Jebaraj S Samuel

Jebaraj S Samuel

Aspiring Entrepreneur

Hewlett Packard(HP)

Brief Description about me
I am an aspiring entrepreneur in the Solar energy field. I have a team of 4 people, working for me. I co-ordinate and manage the entire Co. I have been learning solar energy since, Jan 2009, my inspiration was through Barack Obama' speeches, "lets harness the power of the sun, wind to run our homes and industries.Vision: Powering a greener future for India
Mission: to place solar panels on every Indian home.
God said, "Let there be light, and light came down at 1,86,000 miles per second, and it even comes today as you see...
Video presentation of our Solar energy startup - . I am doing all of the above part-time. I currently work full time with an IT Company, here in Chennai.

Brief Description about me
I am an aspiring entrepreneur in the Solar energy field. I have a team of 4 people, working for me. I co-ordinate and manage the entire Co. I have been learning solar energy since, Jan 2009, my inspiration was through Barack Obama' speeches, "lets harness the power of the sun, wind to run our homes and industries.Vision: Powering a greener future for India
Mission: to place solar panels on every Indian home.
God said, "Let there be light, and light came down at 1,86,000 miles per second, and it even comes today as you see...
Video presentation of our Solar energy startup - . I am doing all of the above part-time. I currently work full time with an IT Company, here in Chennai.

Challenges in job
The challenge is the price of solar energy, we are expecting the
prices to come down, which will in conversions. We are also focusing now on larger installations, which give better results, standalone systems, for public and private institutions.

Thing that made my job easy
Invest in the energy of the future, and not on 1 or 2 years from now. Solar energy is the future, and people need to switch to solar someday soon, to provide a better planet for future generations.

Upcoming Trends
Trends, expecting the prices to drop down, the efficiency of solar
cells to go up, solar energy mandatory for every Engineering graduate from colleges.The Tamil Nadu solar energy policy, has a lot of positives, and its mandatory that everyone has to make 3% of energy consumed through solar. All colleges are switching to solar street lights.

My point of view
Colleges must focus on innovation and entrepreneurship. If they take action, we can build the next Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerburg and many others right here at home. Build the next Tumblr, Quora, Box, Instagram, Pinterest, Dropbox, Airbnb, Groupon, Realtime, Spotify, Guilt groupe, Evenote, Workday, Palantir, Squara, Vayable and many more..

My point of view
Colleges must focus on innovation and entrepreneurship. If they take action, we can build the next Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerburg and many others right here at home. Build the next Tumblr, Quora, Box, Instagram, Pinterest, Dropbox, Airbnb, Groupon, Realtime, Spotify, Guilt groupe, Evenote, Workday, Palantir, Squara, Vayable and many more.. More of innovation, We have to close on the rich poor divide, Erase corruption, individual responsibility, and live a selfless life.

My goal
To install Solar panels on every Indian home. To provide electricity
to all villages. Be the light of the World.

family background
I am married, Gracia. We have a daughter Sophia who is 1 yr 5 months old. Gracia is a home maker, and my backbone.

Advice to Professionals
“Great it is to dream the dream, when you stand in youth by the starry stream. But a greater thing is to fight, fight, fight, fight, fight
life through, and say at the end; ‘The Dream is true.’"

Advice to College students
Go looking for inspirational messages, people who inspire you to work harder, the risk takers, entrepreneurs, make a difference in the society.

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