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Advice Request
Jayashree Patnaik
Jayashree Patnaik

Jayashree Patnaik




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Jayashree Patnaik's Advice

Continous learning is important

I have found that continuous learning, ability to handle tough times, pro-activity and patience are great assets for successful leaders to deal with changing paradigms. It is imperative to be serious about employee satisfaction as employees are the most important customer and have a strong impact on external customer satisfaction.
Currrent job description
This is my first stint at entrepreneurship. As co-founder at AFC HR, I am responsible for business operations, inbound marketing and the technology-related aspects of the company.
Leadership qualities
As the saying goes - Adversity introduces a man to himself. Staying positive under adversity is the true test of maturity, character and leadership.The acid test of a successful leader lies in the ability to handle turbulent times like an economic recession. Economic slowdown is envisaged as more an opportunity than a threat by true leaders.

Judgment is a great differentiator. The ability to make great calls
consistently is the key to successful leadership. Needless to say, leading by example is an absolute necessity for successful leadership.

Ensuring Success
I believe that Leadership and learning are two sides of the same coin. Hence, I seek out experiences that help to develop as a leader. Continuous improvement has always been my constant goal.
My advice to upcoming leaders
I have found that continuous learning, ability to handle tough times, pro-activity and patience are great assets for successful leaders to deal with changing paradigms. It is imperative to be serious about employee satisfaction as employees are the most important customer and have a strong impact on external customer satisfaction.

Connecting right dots by avoiding mistakes
Employee satisfaction and company profitability are great indicators of successful leadership.  I strongly endorse for an effective employee feedback review system to measure employee satisfaction and define the corrective actions to be implemented.
Employee satisfaction in turn correlates positively with performance, productivity. This leads to enhanced customer service and customer satisfaction. This grows the relationship and leads to customer loyalty. This works well for sustained company profitability.

Influenced by
I am  greatly inspired by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. A noted humanitarian leader inspiring service and globalizing wisdom,  I am amazed by the manner he built an organization with presence in 152 countries and reaching an estimated 300 million people worldwide.

The need for business ethics and responsible leadership is critical and indispensable in today's unprecedented economic turmoil,  financial scams and disasters that have impacted lives of people all around the world. The last decade has revealed that lack of corporate governance can bring down companies and cause loss of jobs. In these most challenging times, integrating human values and ethics in governance is the indispensable key to effective leadership for a sustainable future.
Handling Grievances
I believe in a four step process. Firstly, the source of the employee
grievance is identified. This is followed by a detailed analysis using the facts gathered to arrive at possible unbiased solutions to address the grievance. Corrective measures are implemented in the shortest possible time. An effective employee feedback system needs to be devised and implemented to provide a platform for employees to express their opinions, views, issues and dissatisfaction.

Important career decision
The most important career decision so far has been my move to
entrepreneurship. This has been a completely different experience for me. Entrepreneurs face  a myriad of obstacles and challenges, but the issues vary depending on the stage of business maturity. It is a constant challenge as a startup entrepreneur is continuously  constrained by capital, resources and customers.

My view on India technical development
This is an interesting question. I have pondered over this many times and have come up with a number of answers. I would attribute this primarily to our history. Historically, India has been rich in arts, culture, heritage, architecture, engineering, medical innovations but  has not contributed anything substantial in the last century. The long years of foreign rule
affected drastically the prosperous Indian economy and resulted in a great change in the attitude of Indians. Questioning conventional thoughts and thinking out-of-box took a drastic setback amongst Indians.

In today's globally competitive and rapidly changing world, the real challenge for India lies in unleashing its innovation potential to increase productivity, efficiency and inclusive growth. It is necessary for leading Indian companies to provide incentives to encourage technology-led innovation. Big companies need to establish new entrepreneurship initiatives
like  investing in startups and bring in entrepreneurs in residence (EIR) to increase the innovation speed.  It is very necessary to promote startup culture and entrepreneurship in India.

On a positive note, there has been a rise in start-up culture today in India facilitated by easy access to funds by angel investors and venture capitalists. Innovations help accelerate business expansion. So, a radical shift in Indian mindset to explore the unknown is the call of the day.
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