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Advice Request
Jayakumar K
Jayakumar K

Jayakumar K

Digital Markting Consultants in Kerala

Sayus Consultancy Services

Articles  (1)

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Jayakumar K's Advice

Keep learning

I hold with conviction the belief that the greatest benefit of higher education is the proven ability to learn, to have “learned how to learn.” As a solution provider and professional, I am the type of person who spends a substantial amount of my free time in study and research. With my propensity to learn new skills and technologies I will remain technologically relevant.
Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
Born and brought up in a middle class family in Trivandrum. Living with my parents and family, my daughter is studying in her 1st standard at Christ Nagar English School, did my schooling at Abraham Memorial High School, Thirumala. Completed my college education under University of kerala, VMRU, and
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Played a major role in designing and implementing advanced level job oriented training programs for Govt sector, I was applauded by a good mass
Done Differently:
I shall try to revamp the entire education system, and try to introduce AP CSP program as a base for our educational pattern
Degrees That Matter:
MBA, Lead Auditor Program in QMS
Other Thoughts:
Though IT is rapidly developing still conventional industries hesitate to adopt IT for their business development activities. There should be a massive campaign to be conducted in no time making Indian entrepreneurs to aware of the need and advantages of IT Integration in their business
The Decisions That Matter
Along with Project Management I have chosen Software Process Management as a career objective
Career Profile:
Quality Control and Process Management were the key aspects in addition to the project Management once I had been entrusted.
Required Reading:
For Administrators I strongly recommend Mr. Ryuho Okawa'a book titled INVINCIBLE THINKING...
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Good Ambiance, adequate training, work freedom etc will pays to enrich the creativity of staff dramatically
Advice For New Professionals:
Be dedicate and keep the manthra " client is a king" but that doesn't really mean he should act like a professional and result oriented...try to be up to date
The Journey So Far:
Trying to build a good rapport with Industrial leaders and Technology Team make me updated
Growth Strategy:
Continual learning....
Working Life Management:
Sharing my responsibilities with my co workers....
Plans For The Future:
I myself will create a separate niche in IT Process Management, Software development, and Web based Marketing Industry
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