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Advice Request
Javed Hussain Hariharvi
Javed Hussain Hariharvi

Javed Hussain Hariharvi

Freelance Technical analyst


Javed Hussain Hariharvi is a member of:

Family Background
I am from working class family, my father had worked for Indian Railways as Inspector in quality control department at Railway coach manufacturing workshop.
Positioning the product
Comparative study based on product atributes/ price / customer value of products to be marketed vis-a-vis competing products are need to done. It is matrix based analysis which discovers real value in the products. The rank for the product will be decided based on the real value associated with it.
What suggestions would you like to give to the aspirants who want to make their career in Marketing only?
Marketing is an art, sales volumes vary with customer psychology/demand-supply/perceived value/ cost effective alternatives available in market. Marketing plays vital role in altering the demand by creating need and help to enhance the perceived value. Hence focus required on controllable factors.
Achieving Targets
Use 80-20 rule, 80% of volume comes from 20% customers. Hence identify,develope best relation, and be a part of customers solution. Try to create 20%
Recommended Courses and Certification
Certification is mere license to qualify for the jobs. However to understand the drivers of the Economy,Technology,Business growth, and knowledge of products and customers business, requisite qualification is essential.
Motivating Factor
Recognition and the respect bestowed by customers is the only major motivating factor in marketing.
Other streams functions within the org with restricted exposure to the outside world, whereas marketing establishes inforamtion channel with the rest of the world. Marketing function exposes to the trends and innovations of the competitive world well in advance. That gives edge over other streams.
Branding generates additional value to the customers, it creates blind faith on the products. Customers willingly pay premium prices, as they add prestige tag to branded products. However if the product association with the brand is very strong then the org should be cautious in divers products
Importance of sales
Sales in essential function in the value chain, its role is to complete operating cycle(OC)and accelerate it. Shorter the OC bigger the Top and Bottom lines. sales connects customers to org. Sales is virtual org at customers end and virtual customer at org. Sales makes business ends meet and excel.
To start with Principles of Marketing by Kotler will enlighten on marketing, ET, Business standards, Business lines, First post etc
Marketing introduces products to markets and create needs for products in customers. Marketing helps to innovate/modify/customise the existing product line to enable suit to different market segments. Marketing creates new markets. Marketing is the roadmap. Sales satisfy customers needs with product
Importance of 4ps
PRODUCT, PRICE, PLACE & PROMOTION further 3ps are added viz., PEOPLE, PROCESS & PACKAGING. sales volume is propostional to these marketing mix. In price elastic demand market sales increases exponetially with marginal decrease in price. Increased volume helps org to ride on the scale economy.
Importance of Marketing
Marketing person is the face of the org, He need to sell himself first to get access to customers. Customer first evaluate strengths of the org thru him. Org cannot demonstrate its ability/products to market without marketing persons. He is bridge b/w org & customers for mutual exchanage of info.
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