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Advice Request
Jasmin Christensen
Jasmin Christensen

Jasmin Christensen

Private practice

Healing Connections and Pathways


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My family background
I come from a military family, generations of soldiers going clear back to the old countries of Europe centuries ago. Our family coat of arms dates to the 1100's and it hangs proudly on our wall still.
Couple of years from now
I see myself with several more best selling books on my shelf, expanding my weekly radio show' Healing Connections Radio' into syndication and working on new studies that will benefit many.
Important lesson learned
Get any business agreements in writing, people tend to have short memories and slanted perceptions. The written word keeps everyone's memory sharp and on track.
More about myself
I'm well traveled, I enjoy learning about people, history and different traditions and customs. One thing I have noticed in my travels is that people are not that different across the world. We should be doing a much better job of communicating and interacting. I have noticed an alarming lack of empathy for one another that restoring a sense of community could overcome. After all, don't we share 96% of our DNA across the board?
Important decision
To follow my heart and instincts regarding going into private practice. Also to be willing to take risks.
Degree that I recommend
That would depend on the persons business - research track. There comes a point where experience is more valuable then degrees and certificates. Use common sense, don't become a professional student merely for the sake of having degrees. Get out there and learn about your patients/clients and what works best for them.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Be willing to take direction when necessary. A good leader leads by example and not through force. A good leader is willing to make sacrifices for the good of the team. Good leaders take responsibility, they don't steal credit for accomplishments, gives praise where it's due and isn't afraid of making hard decisions. A successful leader understands that a team is only as good as it's weakest member.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Education is good in India but I have noticed a huge amount of pressure placed on students and have seen little avenues of stress relief or stress reduction. That would be the one weak point that could be addressed.
My achievements
My life - my family - everything.
Initiative to develop a country
India is already seen as a developed nation and is no longer described as 'third world' but a blossoming competitor on many global fronts. Education, jobs and technology are all there, now it's time to help the people - from the bottom to the top, to be brought into a 21st century mindset. The idea of community has been lost and needs to be revived. Bigotry against class, caste and gender needs to end . India is poised to set the example for the world. Professionals should be setting the example with their behavior and actions. The newspapers and tv crews could be reporting on more positive stories based on these actions which would be good for everyone.
Influenced by
My grandfather for his encouragement and advice. My parents for their examples in how to live a good and decent life. My husband for his unwavering confidence in me. My children and grand children for their constant love. Finally, my dog, because it didn't matter what challenges or dangers lay before us his complete and utter faith in me pushed me forward. It didn't matter if we were stumbling through the rubble in New York at 9/11 or hunting the woods for a lost person, or desperately trying to beat the clock in locating an Alzheimer's patient who was lost; if I had any hesitation he'd look up at me and cock his head with a look in his eye that said - 'we can do this - Come on,' even when I got very ill and had to learn how to walk all over again, he was beside me helping me take those steps, letting me lean on him for stability, even bracing himself to help me pull myself back up if I fell - and I did, often at first. Faith, even from a dog, can be an amazing thing.
My role model
I don't have One role model, per se, but many. There are so many people who do so many wonderful things everyday, we simply have to notice and be aware.
Brief description about me
That's a tough one - lol
Ensuring success
Continuous self education. Any professional needs to always stay on the cutting edge of their field if they wish to remain current and keep their skills marketable and sharp.
My strongest skill
Listening to people, making accurate assessments of situations, not being afraid to dig for the truth.
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