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Advice Request
Ipsita Peter
Ipsita Peter

Ipsita Peter

software developer



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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I come from a background where education carries the prime importance, hailing from an upper middle class family of a small town berhampur (Orissa) ,my father is the HR manager of the electricity board and mother is a pharmacist and have an elder sister who is a doctor.
Degrees That Matter:
No i wouldn't recommend any degree because a persons knowledge is what all matters in the field. What a persons year long education cannot provide can be attained by the presence of mind. Yet basic education of knowing the software skills are very important to sustain in the rush hush field.
Advice For New Professionals:
A single advice to have patience and to work hard with dedication and with soul interest.
Job Profile:
Presently working as a private seller and as a partner to samsung. Developing apps games and themes is the basic moto of my job profile. I aim to set up a company in the upcoming 2 or 3 months.
The Decisions That Matter
Aquiring knowledge about flash and developing apps n games and themes and putting my sheer skills into it has made my career.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Starting from zero is what i have witnessed, today at a level of success i find peace in my work.
Role Model:
As a role model, its my business partner and colleague Mr.Debasish Rath who inspires me all the way. Without him success would be too far even now.
Plans For The Future:
As the CEO of my setup within a couple of months, years is what i cant wait for.
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