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Advice Request
Himanshu Arora
Himanshu Arora

Himanshu Arora

Senior Associate



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Changes in the industry
QA industry has changed so much in the last 6 years, the focus on domain specialization along with testing expertise is whats in demand. Gone are the days when the QA specialists could be put in to any domain, now everyone needs and wants to be a specialist in at least one domain.
Role Model
I worked with Clare Hall at UBS and it was a great learning experience for me. She's been an inspiration for me because she is a perfect blend of talent, smart work and management. Clare would do her tasks meticulously and blend it with excellent presentation, you learn something from her every time.
Areas for the Future
1. I think automation testing is one area which will matter a lot. With agile methodologies, its a huge challenge to automate the projects. I believe its important to think out of the box and not stick to a couple of popular tools in market.
2. Being an SME in at least one area in very important.
Degrees that Matter
Certifications would not help experienced pros because it doesn't teach anything about the practical work they are doing.
But Certifications can be useful for beginners in kick starting their testing career (ISTQB Foundation).
Essential Advice
A lot of people who start their career in testing are very apprehensive about how its going to go. Its very important for newbies to take up the challenge and realize that importance that is attached to this role, a QA role comes with a lot of responsibility and analytic thinking.
Most Important Lessons
1. Patience and never giving up - There are times when you just have to keep working hard until you succeed.
2. Timing - If you have to make a switch or change your role etc, its important to realize the right time for the right change.
3. Feedback - Giving and receiving feedback constructively.
Plans for the Future
I see myself as a domain expert QA consultant in OTC Derivatives testing space. To be able to provide consulting to different banks on the implementation of market regulations and mandates.
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