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Advice Request
Harshal D Patel
Harshal D Patel

Harshal D Patel


iCubix infotech Pvt Ltd


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I am coming from a reputed family in our society. My Father is Government employee and mother is housewife. My wife is helping me in my side business. We are small and happy family. All are educated.
Points of inflection
I am working in java technology and got a job in IT industry after 1 year of my education completion. In that 1 year I am working as freelancer and professional trainer with some institute in ahmedabad.
Role Model
Infact my role model is me. I always love to break the records and milestone which I achieved. besides that my actual role model is Chankya a great economist of indian history. I would like to get knowldege as him.
Currently working at
I am working with service industry in IT comapany. I have to maintain a live portal built in liferay. As well as developing applications using java technology for mobile and web or intranet application as per the requirement.
Most Important Decisions
To become a Java developer. Work with reputed IT comapany like google, infosys, facebook with R & D team to find a new application which change the era.
A Fine Balance:
Ohh! Simple I always work hard. I plan my work day to day and accordingly complete my goal daily so I never felt any difficulty to Work Life Balance.
Most Important Lessons
In professional life your work is your friend. You have to maintain all the task timely to prove yourself better than other. As professional you should always remember to have own and quick decision which relies on company you work with.
Plans for the Future
I want to manage a large team that work together on various project. Other than professional job I want to become a business man in my personal life.
Parting thoughts
Ya I would like to tell you about myself a bit more.

I always keen to find and do challenging work. I don't want to work under pressure means that someone force me to do a work that I will not accept in my life.
Current and Previous Responsibilities
I am programmer. In previous I am teaching a subject to students/professionals. But in current job I am applying that concepts in programming.
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