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Advice Request
Dr Soumendra Chakraborty
Dr Soumendra Chakraborty

Dr Soumendra Chakraborty

Lecturer/ scientist UBKV

Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya

Most Rewarding Moment
Students love me very much and it is the most important thing which I think, should be there in all teachers that student should love a teacher.Once there was an experience where I had to take class in the evening when almost nobody was there in the department, then one of the students was informed that I have gone in the classroom for taking class, then almost everybody from the nearby hostel came and rather rushed in to the classroom, those who were playing volleyball in the field came and told that they wanted to attain class leaving everything.Usually, I did not tell anybody for not attending class, why they would be absent etc., but in spite of that, they love me.One incident was also there among various other incidents that one student told me 'sir,I understand your way of teaching,but unfortunately not others very well'. They love me, they love my teaching, that is most rewarding for a teacher.Open attitude, sincerity,dedication,making things simple should be there in a teacher.
Family Background
Both my parents have passed away. My mother died when I was 21, and in 2009, my father passed away. Both were graduates. I am married and have a daughter. My wife is,MCA and presently doing the important duty as housewife. My daughter is in Mont III in Patha Bhavan, one of the famous schools in Kolkata.
About Me
Name: Dr.Soumendra Chakraborty
Permanent Address: 90,Rajdanga School Road.
P.O.East Kolkata Township,
Kolkata, Pin -700107
Office Address:
Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya
regional research station(Hill Zone)
Kalimpong, Darjeeling
Pin: 734301
Main Office:
Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya
P.O. Pundibari
Dist: Cooch behar
Pin 736162

My education:
School:Ballygunge Govt. High School
10th Standard: 1st division with 72% marks
12th standard: 1st division with star marks(75%)
got national scholarship certificate from the Govt.
B.Sc.(Ag.): Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (West Bengal)
got 1st Class(68% marks)
Msc.(Ag.) specialised in Genetics and Plant Breeding
From the same university
Got (78.9% marks)
Ph.D.(Botany): Kalyani University (West Bengal)
Teaching Background:
Various courses in the field of Genetics and Plant Breeding like(Basic Genetics, Cytogenetics, genetics and Molecular Biology, Principles of plant Breeding, Breeding horticultural crops,Plant Physiology etc.
Future of Indian Education System
In my field of education,that is in Agriculture, there is a huge scope in higher education in the research particularly in every subject of this field. For example in economics, agricultural biotechnology, genetics and plant breeding in which I am specialized, has a huge scope for enhancing the area of research for providing food and security in the country and the world as a whole. As professor Swaminathan, who was called the father of green revolution in India by introducing Dwarf varieties of rice and wheat in collaboration with the research with Prof. Norman Bourlouge that second green revolution is very much necessary for feeding up the huge increasing population in India and the world. The overall approach of research which I think will be changed where need based approach will be emphasized for increasing the productivity of the crops where land resource is already known to be limited. Food packaging research and education will be increased for building up future entrepreneurs.
Way to motivate Students
I regularly revise the subjects and the most important thing is I relate the basic subjects with the practical experiences.I relate almost every topic with the normal day to day life, give the logic as simple as possible, my target is to teach them as simple as possible. Suppose describing the structure of DNA, I take the example of a twisted rope, where the strings are intermingled with each other. the rotation of the string can be of two types naturally- right or left, as it is also seen in various DNA structures. Giving away the explanation of okazaki fragments, I rely on the small pieces of chalks on the table.I motivate the students specially by increasing the most important thing: Self esteem, the greater the self esteem, the better will be the possibility of reaching target.Besides this, in almost every class I do tell them,don't be afraid of study, courage is the first important thing,then comes concentration.Then remind the students that nothing is impossible in this world
My priorities
While scheduling time, my top priority is to get in touch of my subjects and think about the students that I am able to make them understand easily. That is my top priority. Besides this, I am also engaed in research work and go in depth reading of national and international papers in different journals. Besides this I am engaged in making manuscripts for publishing in different journals and also writing books. I have written 4 books till now.I have published various papers and research articles in different national and international journals. I also prioritize in that respect that I have time to write research articles and manuscripts of my research programmes.
Important Lesson
In my life, various incidents have occurred, some are very bad, some are bad, some are good and some are also very good.The most important lesson that I have learnt that everybody has to fight his own fight. Sometimes, time will come that nobody is around you, nobody will be there to help you, to help you financially or by any means.But do not loose hope by any means. do not give up by any means. Try to be positive as far as possible and in that case as I have already described earlier, self esteem is the most important thing, it re establishes you, give you the confidence to fight. It is also important that what is going on around you, you have to smell that. this smelling power increases with time, with maturity and ability to understand people around you. The nucleus of every thing is self esteem, that I am a good person, I can do good in future, I am different from others, I can not express my feelings in front of others except someone. Courage is the most important thing in life.
Strongest Subject
My strongest subject is genetics and molecular biology, because I love to read it. It is the subject where one can enter in the deepest core of the subject of any living being. One can understand what is life, how it is going from one generation to the next, how molecules interact with themselves, how cell division happens, it is a spectacular subject. How genetic engineering is going on from developing different GM crops or developing modern medicines for curing incurable diseases.
A huge scope of research is there in genetics and molecular biology. In case of introducing green revolution, genetics is the most important subject one has to know, without genetics and molecular biology, feeding of population is absolutely impossible.
Outlook about increase students’ participation
I strongly feel that students are the backbone of a nation, they are the future of a nation. Future visionary leaders will be formed from the students, they will make the nation proud.
So, from the very childhood, one has to make himself/herself in different activities like NCC etc., any type of association where public need is associated, selfless attitude should be built up from the very beginning of the school platform. Besides reading books only, they should be involved in other outdoor activities.Nationality is a responsibility, one has to understand that.
Most Challenges facing by students
Money. I think, till now, many good students are not able to continue their studies because of money. The earning member in the familly does not earn much to continue their study. Although there are a lot of scholarships and other facilities there, but it does not so much to the very lower level of the society where there are a lot students there who are sharp, meritorious, but lack of food and money.
The other aspect is, many can not identify the power they have, lacking of self determination from the point of view of characters which ultimately cause them huge difficulties in future.
My inspiring personality
It is a very interesting question and I am searching for the answer till now. Nobody is really there except Swami Vivekananda. Once he said that if you go for any role model, you will not be 100% satisfied and one day you will discover that you are your own role model.
Favorite Non-Academic books
Various management books, books of Swami Vivekananda, various detective books etc. I usually do not read story books, I usually read inspirational books and collection of great sayings from great people.
Unique way of teaching
More effective teaching can be done if the topics can be related more with different scientific experiments, visual experiences where students can remember the topic very easily. Practical experience is the most important thing which I understand during teaching. Teaching is an art,one has to have the bend of mind of learning while teaching.
My Advice
Dedication, sincerity, discipline, love for students these are very important characters one has to have for a good teacher.
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