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Advice Request
Dinesh Kalra
Dinesh Kalra

Dinesh Kalra

Human Resource Professional

24 by 7 Management Services


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Leadership Programs in Place:
There had been several Leadership Summits conducted to bridge the gap between Industry and Social Leaders to make India a better place on world map. But the discussed view points had been limited to boundaries of Five stars and become forgetful speeches after an initial excitement and contradiction during the programs. This is unfortunate , we lack in execution and focus on blueprints without any timeline to bring the real changes. I do not deny the fact that such programs can bring the change , but the focus should start from ground level changes.
HR Challenges:
There are three major Challenges in present dynamic business environment

1. Establishment of Rigours Recruitment process strategy :

Finding people with required skills is a major challenge for any Human Resource Professional , there has to be a clear cut strategy to recruit through a rigorous process to screen the candidate on all grounds viz. Technical , Professional and Behavioural.

2. Creating favourable working environment :

After Recruitment , the real challenge faced by most of the HR professionals is to create a favourable working environment for the task force. Favourable environment doe not necessarily means fun at working place with facilities , it extends to Job security , Career Growth and Team Building with balanced autonomy across the levels.

3. Execution of Employee friendly Retention Policy.

Retention is only way out to grow collectively , Loosing a trained resource attracts Cost , dissatisfaction among existing task force and affects Business Goal.
Recommended Reading
Read auto biographies of people with unique experiences. I follow , Shri Narayan Murthi , Kumar Mangalam Birla , Ratan Tata , Sanjeev Bhikchandani. In books, i have read Stay Hungry , Stay Foolish: connecting the Dots , and I have a dream. Inspired by Mother Terasa for her unconditional love for the society people.
Pain Points:
1. Retention of people
2. Integrity issues of Candidates from pre joining till exit from the organisation due to increase in opportunities in the Industry.
3. Dealing with Intra and inter Conflicts within organisation and departments. specially behavioural matters.
Recruiting new generation:
It is very difficult to answer this question, though interesting to know that Generation Y is full of passion and ambitious too , however they need to be diverted to a right path since beginning of their intellectual growth , else this passion and ambitious attitude is being utilised in wasteful activities and in finding the right path.

Our Recruitment strategy is very rigorous , we start from screening the CV , Taking a Personal Interaction to check the Behavioural aspects , then a technical discussion and professional understanding of job assigned to candidate in the past.
Advice For Fellow HR Leaders:
Work like a Team , in fact work like a Family who shares gains and pains in good and bad times.
Helping to develop the country
I feel if each one of us can contribute to educate and guide the youth of India in right direction . India will prosper with multiplier effect. The only need of the hour is to inculcate Human , Technical and Life skills among youth population for a better India.
Improving Education system
The only mantra which i feel is , Theory with Practicals.There must be Skill Development Programs in the schools to make the child self reliant and get option to explore his passion and interest areas beside academic studies , a dedicated Post School Employment Cell for life time employment support to students. I do not understand why our Indian students wait till their post graduation to realise their true potential. Quality only can be measured with output , if we are producing people with no employable skills then it is a issue of serious concern. In some countries , enrolment in ITIs are 80% after basic schooling , here in India that figure is 20%. My suggestion would be to impart technical skills is pre requisite for the employment , and inculcating human values and Life skills along with technical skills for better Indian society.
Parting Thoughts
Kindly see if you can promote more stories of small entrepreneurs and working professionals among youth. It will provide some inputs to them for taking decisions in all situations. More over you can prepare a common list of problems and suggested solutions faced by people at work place and their career planning.
Current HR Trends:
Sense of Job Security
Career Progression Planning
Social Responsibility towards Society
Performance linked growth opportunities, away from favouritism etc.
Relationship with HR and Top Management
I think it is like a Brain(CEO) and Heart (HR) relationship :)
Identifying and Promoting New Leaders:
I Delegate the responsibilities and make them accountable for it , if results are favourable , they are promoted , if still there is a scope of improvement , i upload more responsibilities.
Attract good people, Retain Better Performers and Advance the Best:
we remain Transparent about the Company and people and Plans , it attract good people. we Work like a family and share the responsibilities and stand by each other in difficult times. we Share the gains and pains in utmost good faith.
Qualities that we Look For While Hiring:
Integrity , Loyalty and Objectivity with passion to do something in life.
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