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Advice Request
Dinanath Choudhary
Dinanath Choudhary

Dinanath Choudhary

Asst Professor in Mathematics at QGC, Roorkee, Uttrakhand, India

Quantum Global Campus, Roorkee, Uttrakhand, India

Favorite Non-Academic books
Spritual books and magazine, I read and I saw that these books make my mind concentrated and my tendency in positive direction to work for our benifit.
Family Background
My family has six members(My father,my mother, my one younger brother, my two sisters(married). My family is very simple which has no strong background. Father at rest, mother homemaker, brother studying and I am an Asst Professor in Mathematics. I am the first person in my village to have PG degree and first person in my muhalla to be matriculate.
Strongest Subject
Mathematics due to great interest and practise in it from very childhood.
About Me
B.Sc.(Maths Hons), M.Sc.(Maths)Univ Rank, B.Ed.
I have more than 12 years of teaching experience of different standards upto PG level Mathematics in different institutions.
Unique way of teaching
Faculty Development Programmes
Most Rewarding Moment
Teaching of Mathematics/Operations Research in professional courses
Important Lesson
Plz do your job honestly anywhere and in any field. Teaching is the most responsible job.
Plz follow the time table and words given to make the followers convenient.
Outlook about way to raise quality education
Selection of teachers very carefully following all the criterian required, academic head should be active (and experienced and also teaching some topics in any of the classes). academic progress meeting by higher authorities, teaching learning environment, no extra burden onto the teachers and teachers should have well facilties and proper regards from the mgmt side.
My priorities
one which is the most required thing should get top priority only
Future of Indian Education System
In my field of education(Basic science such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry etc.), I see that in some comming years there will be a great shortage of the persons and so there will be a high demand of the persons in this subject and then there will be scopes in this field better than in professional courses.
My inspiring personality
My gurudev spritually,
Dr A P J Abdul Kalam for high energy and dreams in me,
Swami Vivekanand for deshbhakti and determination,
Outlook about increase students’ participation
NCC, NSS, Patriotic programmes, National Intigration Programmes in their academic respective institutions should be organised time and again.
My Advice
I individually wish to make my son a good Mathematician and my daughter a teacher in basic science.
Most Challenges facing by students
Students take addmission by the choice of others and not themselves generally and then later get so much difficulty in study.
Students should be counciled first for their selection of right courses and then start study.
Also teaching should be in proper way and practical way.
Way to motivate Students
I first at all present myself as an ideal teacher before the students in my class. I use to keep good command over the topic which is to be discussed in the class.
I make the students well satisfied in my lecture and so they are so much interested towards the subject.
I show the use of my subject in their practical and professional life to the students.
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