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Advice Request
Deepak Kumar Andani
Deepak Kumar Andani

Deepak Kumar Andani

Computer Network Engineer

Colonel Academy Biroke Kalan

About yourself
My Self Deepak Kumar. I am basically belong to Budhlada Distt. Mansa. I have done Graduation and Now I have Completed My Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional (MCITP)From Gurukull Technologies P. ltd. Bathinda. I am a Networking Engineer.
My Hobbies are reading Books and Surfing computer for New Ideas because i want sharp my mind in networking tricks.
Reason for hiring freshers.
Company take risk because they trust on us. secondly we are fresher so any company can adopt us very easily their company's requirement. So that's the reason company take a risk on a fresher and hire us.
Subject least liked
No subject like's computer because i want to computer networking engineer. I am fond of computer. So this is my favorite Subject in School, College.
Strong Subject
Computer is my strongest subject in my School, College, Institute because i can easily read everything about computer. It's my dream that i want to be a world's best Networking Engineer.
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