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Chiranjeevi Navuluri
Chiranjeevi Navuluri

Chiranjeevi Navuluri

Founder CEO and Director

TekEdge Strategic Sales Solutions Pvt Ltd


Chiranjeevi Navuluri is a member of:

Influenced by
The foremost influence stems from the fact that the fundamental learnings of values & morals from parents to lead a life that helps or aids people around you to learn, change, adapt & face the various challenges in different phases of life are part & parcel of a packaged existence on this planet.
Professionally & Personally have stuck to the principle of focused hardwork,ability to digest more knowledge,continuous thought process & being more practical in nature in understanding the difference between "What to do" & "How to do" which forms the core crux of my personalality having encountered various personalities in professional life not by chance but as destiny would offer. Ability to listen, read stories of successful people & understand the positive effects have made me grow as a matured person.
Teachings of Swami Vivekananda without doubt had an everlasting Positive Impact from the age of 21yrs to experience the impact of Positive Attitude that impacts all aspects of life.
My achievements
At the peak of my professional career in yr 2009, i took the decision to become an entreprenuer to make a difference in sharing my knowledge and giving it back to the industry in nurturing young talent and ideas especially the Tech Start-Up's from India in establishing or making them understand the significance of Sales and Marketing functions as the most important pivot in B2B product business and not just stuff around core technology. Having understood the stiff challenges and risks that small to medium enterprises in IT industry face, evangelised the concept of OEPS i.e( Outsourced Enterprise Product Sales) and brought in various services under this platform where the Tech Start-Ups can actually reduce the risk in spending huge investments that are required in Sales and Marketing functions during "Time to Market" and "Time in the Market" busines phases to unearth, unfold and unleash their own product potential, understand business feasbility and also predict revenue QoQ.
My role model
Any Entreprenuer or Successful businessman has to have a vision to make an impact not for his own organizational growth but "inclusive growth" that covers & influences the society around us. In todays world we hear a lot of about"CSR- Corporate Social Responsibility" as a value added sales pitch to boost their own SALES or TRP's as we call them.
Having grown & watched the success of Infosys, Wipro & MicroSoft, i have a few role models to name without inhibition. 1)Mr.Narayana Murthy for creating & distributing wealth for his own employees including his car driver etc. 2)Mr.Premji & Mr.BillGates for their unrelenting & continuous support over the past so many years for the helpless & downtrodden "Brothers & Sisters" of India who are ignored by the callous elected governments driven by the selfish personal objectives of "Kith & Kin".I think successful business man have a fundamental moral right to think about selfless service to uplift & bring a smile on not so blessed souls around us.
Ensuring success
Growth & Development need not be parallel in Life as it appears. Many a time in life we get carried away with personal or professional success & tend to "border on ridicule" in what we do or deliver. Monetary or Financial growth & success is not commensurate with personality development, humility or maturity & this i have experienced with my own life & people around me. Hence the differentiator for me as a responsible person is to be associated with positive or spiritual energy which helps you to be grounded & helps us associate with Positive decisons, Strong decisons & balanced decisions that have a long term IMPACT on the people around us & the activities we are involved with.

To start with all of us have to learn" How to say No" to many things that come across in our day to day life which will make us think & understand the Real Need, Immediate Need & Future Need that we may possibly want to cater to & take small steps towards making a significant impact.
Initiative to develop a country
I firmly believe Country is made of land & people & the basic needs of the people drive the macro level objectives that enhance the development of the country. In India, atleast the times we are in currently largely influenced by the western culture & life style, majority of the professionals from all walks of industries seem to have no time for the evolution of the country in terms of social impact we can generate through small stepping stones. We ourselves are amazed to see people train hard for weeks & spend or take time from their personal space to run marathons, but how we transform to choose the right government,cast your vote,render voluntary service with an NGO or adopt different methods or ways in which we can atleast educate or create visibility or awareness on social evils like corruption,woman atrocities,food & drugs,child labouror conducting free knowledge based camps if not the actual formal education to thousands of unblessed souls is a positive karma towards development
Brief description about me
17+ yrs in IT-Sales & Marketing covering the spectrum of Project based services, solutions & enterprise software products.

* Evangelist of "OEPS" (Outsourced Enterprise Product Sales) concept.
* Strategic Sales Solutions Specialist for Software Products.
* Performance Transition Enabler for Tech Start-up's & Emerging Product Organizations in India.
* Establishing Sales Eco-system for Small to Medium Enterprises.
* Sales Life Cycle Management services based on Scientific Sales Approach.
* Mentor & Trainer for working IT Sales Professionals & Management Graduates.
* End to End Business Management of large customer centric teams for Enterprise Product Sales.
* Successful assignments with more than 15 Start-up's which are into B2B space or Enterprise Product Sales in last 2 yrs from Pune, Bangalore & Hyderabad.
*Regular speaker at Tie Forums,Start-Up networks & various MBA colleges.
My family background
I was born in Hyderabad & have seen 42 summers as of now.Mom is a house wife. Dad has been an Office Superintendant with the South Central Railways.The way i have transfomed myself is mostly influenced by the success & failure of my dad as a person.I learned from him to have a vision in life & what i also learned from him is his failure to implement or execute the plan towards the vision.

My wife worked with a software major till 2010 & is currently the support system that takes care of the growing demands & needs of children & other members who are the part of the family eco-system.
Important lesson learned
Five Important Lessons in Life.

1) Prioritise your needs in Life.Differentiate between what we want & what we need.

2) Understand for what you are responsible & not for whom you are responsible.

3) Having a higher Practical Quotient is more important than Intelligent Quotient & Emotional Quotient.

4) Success is not the begining or end of Life.

5) Enjoy Life as it flows like a stream of fresh water.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
To start with i would reason out the difference between a successful

business person & successful leader. Successful business person would or will create wealth & also loose it. Successful leader creates wealth & also leaders who can create further wealth.

The formemost essential qualities a person needs to inculcate to become a successful leader is 1) Always Listen more. 2) Give an equal opportunity for others to express their views. 3) While you take a decision listen to your conscious based on facts, figures & in proposition to the vision on hand. 4) Think Global, Act Local. 5) Create Leaders around you. 6) Surround yourself with Successful people who have created a high social impact. 7) Never ever cut corners or look for the shortest route but look for critical path aimed towards incremental growth.
Degree that I recommend
No, i am a humble entreprenuer with a vision of creating a meaningful social impact & making progress towards that vision.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
I am glad to answer this question as luckily i have gone through the Indian education system in my whole life & now see that again with children of my own & near & dear ones. There have been a lot of changes in the past two decades & that is a positive direction when compared to what i have seen when i was young.Let me anwer this queston with a few thoughts ?

1)Is quality education in India directly proportionate with

affordability ? 2)How merit can be calculated meaningfully with the deserved or desired ? 3)Are governments only responsible or people or the electorate responsible for quality education i.e.when will we the people of India drive it as an agenda for the political system to charter it as a party manifesto ?4)How the education system helps the meritorious students to drive the social impact or development of our country ? 5)How can we create leaders from the education system to understand our own country ?

Free education is definetly not the solution.
More about myself
I sincerely appreciate the effort of your team to create a platform for several people like me to express some honest views.
My strongest skill
Ability to listen, learn, observe, analyze, think,execute, network & implement with conviction on the path taken & continue the professional journey towards achieving the vision of creating entreprenuership in India with a social impact & adopt atleast one social cause to make a big difference towards developing our country.
Couple of years from now
Interestingly i do see a supply demand gap in India for Tech Start-Up's to attract talent in India for customer centric roles. Many a time they are constrained to use talent that is affordable & not properly trained unlike in top B schools. At TekEdge we are commited to identify, train, nurture & create talent that helps Tech Start-Up's to grow & evolve along with the markets.We are ready to help the deserving students during their college curriculum at minimal or zero cost comparable to their one month pocket expense.In next two years we will successfully help close to 7 Tech Start-Up's in enterprise segment to fully operate or sell their products on ther own overcoming all the challenges that we as ateam address for Start-Up's who are constrained to live with the situation of working with mobilised funds & dont have an external VC or Angel funding in place. Also by that time we would have created a pool of well trained 500 odd Product Sales Specialists for Start-Up's to consume them.
Important decision
Entreprenuership journey is the first biggest decision which was triggered by a concept that was conceived & well thought about for close to 1yr backed by strong business modelling with test market for additional one more yr. More importantly i am supported on the board by selfless individuals with strong passion to change the way product business is currently beng run in India.For the past 3 yrs we have sustained our revenues on the organic path & now looking for partners who can help us quickly move the space shuttle to the next orbit.We have decided to associate with various MBA institutes from all cities in India to fuel the need for students to understand the opportunites that exist in customer centric roles.Also TechStartUp's in enterprise segment should realize the availability of a Strategic Sales Consulting partner like TekEdge to help their business grow in Indian market with services centered around core Sales & Marketing functions which is the key to unlock productpotential
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