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Advice Request
Chandra Sen
Chandra Sen

Chandra Sen

System Analyst

C-EDGE Technologies

Qualities needed to become a successful leader
These quality must be in the successful leader
Make Others Feel Safe to Speak-Up
Make Decisions
Communicate Expectations
Challenge People to Think
Important lesson learned
continue learning and development to improve key skills.
More about myself
I feel that I have always met deadlines for various tasks assigned to me from time to time. Formation of policies, collation of data, analysis. Timely Closure of Apprasials and employee engagement Activities
Degree that I recommend
I would like to complete MBA.
Important decision
Taken Over FFS Calculation from Finance and now Exit Formalities are closed on time. Formulated Promotion Policy and Retainers absorption Policy.
Ensuring success
I do like to keep up with current thinking and find that strategy to develop into a management role and continue professional development.
My strongest skill
asking for facts, relevant information, suggestions or ideas about a group concern. This can be done through normal group interaction or if fresh ideas are required, a full brainstorming session or other ideas generation technique I am using
Right now i am working on B@NCS24 banking CBS software.
Couple of years from now
I am eager to experience new challenges and excited to invest time specializing in a career that extremely interesting and motivating for our organisation.
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