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Advice Request
Ashok Murugesan
Ashok Murugesan

Ashok Murugesan

Senior Assistant Professor

Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology,Chennai-124.

Favorite Non-Academic books
"Unnal Mudium Thambi" by Udhaya Moorthi.The book made a impact to create the revolution in the societal cluster.
Future of Indian Education System
Research based study must be initiated from the Under Gradutate Courses itself.
My Advice
Dedication.Continual Technical Stuff enhancement.
My priorities
3.Societal Tasks
Important Lesson
Continuous dedication in any task will lead to success.
Strongest Subject
Grid Comptuing.Since it is my area of research.
Most Rewarding Moment
Students will come back and tell about their life status.Their progress in life will be my most rewarding experience.
Most Challenges facing by students
In studies,implementation of concepts will be a tough job.In societal,understanding the human values will be a tough task.
Family Background
My father is a retired employee from TNEB.My mother is a home maker.My wife is working for SRM group of Institutions.My kid is moving with her KG life.
Unique way of teaching
Subject concepts need to be transformed into WHO goals for making the common man's life easier.
About Me
I have been in the teaching field for the past 10 years.I am a post graduate in Engineering.
Outlook about way to raise quality education
There must be a common syllabus for all the subjects throughout INDIA starting from IIT to private institutions.
Way to motivate Students
Talking to them about the current happenings not about the future events.
Outlook about increase students’ participation
Already 10% of the students working with national interest.If those group got recognized,rest of the students will back into same task.
My inspiring personality
An unnamed person from our country who takes every thing easy and helping the mankind without any expectation.
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