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Advice Request
Arya Vedabrata
Arya Vedabrata

Arya Vedabrata

Vice President - Analytics Data Management

Goldman Sachs


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Important lesson learned
Keep innovating every time while you are alive, the day you shun creativity you are dead. This is the philosophy which you need to have both in your personal as well as professional life. In corporate world things are so monotonous it is bound to exhaust you very soon so the only way to keep your motivation level high is through your creativity quotient. Idle mind should result in new creation.
My strongest skill
1. Innovation
2. Analytics on business data
3. Thought leadership in the field of analytics and data management
My family background
I am from Bhubaneswar (Orissa), my father has retired recently after serving almost for 40 years in RBI, my mother is a retired school teacher, my brother is an entrepreneur, my wife is now home maker she used to work in Infosys before we had our baby boy who is now 20 month old.
Couple of years from now
I have two options open with me
Option 1: I could stay on in the corporate world and rise to a senior leadership position in Analytics space.
Option 2: I could jump the band wagon of entrepreneurship
My achievements
I have successful set up analytics practice in two organization of different nature but yielding same level of benefits to both. I was instrumental in creating various analytical products for the benefit of larger organization
My role model
I am inspired by Rahul Dravid, the man with amazing success but at the same time lot of humility. The go to guy man with impeccable consistency at international stage.
Ensuring success
I keep abreast of recent developments in my area of work by reading various book, journal and articles.
Important decision
The most important decision which changed my professional career was one which I took in 2010 while I was in Bank Of America by joining a data analytics/data science team, the opportunity came my way accidentally since there was nobody in Hyderabad for my senior manager to set up this team.
Brief description about me
I am based out of Bangalore and head the data analytics practice for Internal Audit in Goldman Sachs. In my current role I am responsible for building up a commercially successful analytics set-up providing world class solutions/products to auditors which would empower and enable them to audit effectively.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
In today's world the most important quality in a leader is his ability to think out of box, the more the number of ideas a leader is able to generate more would be the respect he/she would command from his/her team. Generating ideas and ensuring to get the team along with him to execute them will make a leader highly successful in his area.
Influenced by
In my family my father has influenced me most, I remember one event in my life when I was studying in the first year of Engineering, I used to admire Infosys a lot and getting into Infosys was a big dream for me. During the time Narayanamurthy was RBI's Ombudsman and he came to Bhubaneswar for some high level meeting, my father was assigned the responsibility of taking care of his stay. I used to talk to my father about NRN's schedule and told him if I could get into Infosys then life's goal is met. But to my utter surprise my father said why I want to get into Infosys why not become a person like NRN and build an enterprise.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
I feel quality of student coming out our education system is good, it might surprise people but to be honest I feel student are good the missing thing is right level of mentoring , an average student mentored by a professional from industry can challenge the best talents from IITs. If students are not informed about the ground reality of industry they are aspiring to join then how can they become well rounded professional by the time they are out of college. When they join a college they completely rely on our educational system consisting of college, industry and government to prove their decision is right. We fail in delivering on our job and talk about unemployable students getting churned by our educational system.
Initiative to develop a country
India has seen astronomical growth in last two decades and has produced so many world class professionals now it is up to these professionals to give back to their country, the professionals should nurture an entrepreneurial ecosystem which should produce lot more companies catering to various global need.
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