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Advice Request
Arjun Bhandari
Arjun Bhandari

Arjun Bhandari

Manager Operations

Hewlett Packard


Arjun Bhandari is a member of:

- Expert
Career Profile:
From Client relationship management to leading a team of professionals,my responsibilities embrace a wide spectrum.I lead operations,Quality,Training & Work force Management teams for an Account.Meeting & exceeding Client expectations whilst ensuring I create a pool of happy and productive members.
Job Profile:
Working as an Operations Manager for CRM verticle,I lead a team of 100+ members who service the contact center for one of the leading Global chain of Hotels. My job includes driving performance to meet set targets, project & risk management, employee motivation/retention and business development.
Done Differently:
I would not want to do anything differently for the simple reason that if I do so, I would probably not know what I know now. I have enjoyed the journey so far and I believe it has been the way it was, only to strengthen me for today and be farsighted for tomorrow.
Advice For New Professionals:
Young generation should be far sighted. Focus should not just be on short term gain but on long term return. Our actions should be accordingly. Equally important is to practice patience in personal & professional life. While technology has made everything instant, Rome still cant be built in a day.
Role Model:
May sound strange but I look up to laborers working on a construction site. Their dedication,focus & hard work is unparalleled.Though not wealthy, they have toned muscles a gym can't fetch & sound sleep no money can buy you.I admire thei passion even while constructing something beautiful for others
Professional Strengths:
I am task and result oriented as I believe that yielding desired results make the entire process worth enough. I have the knack to drive people to perform and processes to sustain. I have a structured and streamlined way of operating the business and my interest calls me to connect to people.
Required Reading:
Never Give In - Winston Churchill
The monk who sold his Ferrari - Robin Sharma

Plans For The Future:
I'd love to see myself a few ranks up the ladder in the corporate world. Having said that, I wish to see my self as a leader building a strong team that believes in purpose but power, talent but titles, persistence but pay-cheques.
The Journey So Far:
My journey has been like a series of brush strokes on a canvas, trying to make something amazing out of it.I have relished Success and survived from the jaws of failure too. Interesting are lessons you learn that helps craft a better you, a mature you and most importantly a humble you.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Taking over a literally bleeding account where targets were'nt met,Clients were unhappy,Work basics were out of the window and staff disillusioned, I along with my team was able to turn its status from Red to green (read as: non performing to Performing).It grew thereon from 55 to 100+ people strong
The Decisions That Matter
Leaving my hometown and moving to different cities has been a demanding yet gratifying decision for my career. I have tried things out of my comfort zone along the way. Not losing focus and pursuing my goal even when struggling to meet the ends has furnished me an incredible today.
Growth Strategy:
As Charles Darwin quoted "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change",I firmly believe in this.I try to keep myself updated with new things around, trying out different techniques & methods, accepting fresh views & opinions
Family Background
I come from a traditional and conservative Hindu-Jain-Marwari family of 4 where I am the only one among my siblings and first cousins to work in a corporate world. My father is a businessman and my mother is a home maker.
Working Life Management:
experiencing Hard hitting lessons,I now strongly endorse a wholesome work life balance. While neither of these should over shadow each other, a small degree of overlap can be healthy. eg. A team dinner with no dialogue around work or an hour on Sunday to strategize/plan your work week can be great.
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