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Advice Request
Aparna Bulusu
Aparna Bulusu

Aparna Bulusu

Senior Software Engineer IBM



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Aparna Bulusu's Advice

Try to explore

"Self Learning" enhances your career. Don't wait for someone to come and teach you. Start exploring and love your work.
Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
Mine is a very happy family. My husband is a software engineer at Mahindra Satyam. My parents are government employees, father working in Navy and mother is a Pharmacist. I am from Visakapatnam. I had done my complete education here and later moved to Bangalore to start working with IBM.
The Decisions That Matter
When I was doing manual and automation testing, my manager asked me "Can you take up performance testing?". I said, "I will". I feel that this is the important decision that strengthened my career.
Advice For New Professionals:
"Self Learning" enhances your career. Don't wait for someone to come and teach you. Start exploring and love your work.
Job Profile:
I am a QA Engineer. I started my career with manual testing and later handled automation and performance testing. While doing manual testing its easy to make the developers to accept the defect as valid defect. But when it comes to performance testing, a lots of analysis is needed for proving it.
Working Life Management:
"Thanks to IBM". Work from home facility helped me to manage my work.
The Journey So Far:
I had started my career with IBM and with 4 years of experience continuing my work here.
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