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Advice Request
Anupam Dasgupta
Anupam Dasgupta

Anupam Dasgupta

Senior Manager - Presales, Marketing & Analytics

Visual BI

Articles  (1)
Current job profile
I am currently working with Visual BI as Senior Manager -Marketing, Presales & Analytics. The roles & responsibilities include heading the marketing and presales functions as well as driving practice building activities for analytics practice.
Leadership qualities
Leadership is a fine balance of control and empowerment. A good leader need not be, in fact should not be authoritative; instead he/she should lead by example, be the best player in the team and yet not impress that upon his/her team. A successful leader should set an example and then set his/her team members free to achieve or exceed the targets set. In the process of doing this though, the leader should be able to monitor, control and guide the mentee to ensure maximum achievement and hence enable realization of potential. This approach instills a lot of self-confidence and sense of satisfaction in the team and at the same time the team members look up to the leader as an advisor and not as a dictator. In a nutshell, ‘controlled empowerment’.
Ensuring growth
I keep myself updated with the latest trends and happenings in my industry and area of work in specific, as well as the overall business climate at large. I believe in effective networking and exchange of ideas and have personally come across great concepts and ideas, particularly in the area of pricing. While continual learning and exchange of ideas helps in constant development into an able leader, one of the major mantras of growth is effective empowerment. I believe in the simple principle - if I can coach and mentor my team so that they can scale up and handle my responsibilities then I would automatically have the bandwidth to handle and add value to issues at the next level .
My advice
Stay focused, cut the noise around you, keep up with the ever changing trends, keep learning and always have an open mind while applying your learning. There is not and cannot be any barrier to creativity and new ideas and one has to keep exploring limitlessly in the quest of new frontiers.
Doing things right
Regular self-evaluation with objective goals as point of reference helps in keeping me on track with respect to my personal and professional endeavors.  In addition to this, I always ensure that am constantly developing and nurturing relationships with people within and outside the organization. One of the key ingredients towards maintaining and furthering business is effective interpersonal relationships and so I always keep an eye towards monitoring the same. Besides this I strongly believe in seeking feedback from colleagues on a regular basis, this need not be formal, in fact informal interactions are the best ground to get candid opinions.
Influenced by
My mother, by the sheer dint of her proactive nature and urge to achieve. I have always been impressed by her tireless efforts and determination in her entrepreneurial ventures. Add to the above the vital spice of positive attitude, optimism and self-belief, which my mother exudes in abundance– any successful person has to have unflinching self-belief. This possibly is the greatest lesson that I have learnt in life.
Handling grievances
At the outset, the “grievance” needs to be deciphered and broken down into clear, tangible details.  Based on this, I list down the alternatives available to address it. This is followed by an evaluation of the alternatives to turn around the best possible solution at the earliest. In the interim I keep the person concerned periodically updated of the progress and status of the matter.  I am particular about not providing false promises or misleading cues, since it is very important that the aggrieved does not feel any further breach of trust or sense of betrayal.
A clear, objective analysis of the issue coupled with a sincere and transparent approach to act upon the same is the way to go for grievance resolution.

Important career decision
My career has progressed from a techie to a business development professional to a business strategist. As such all my career moves and endeavors have been conscious decisions to map out the trajectory from a young tech professional to a mature business linked strategic role. In particular though, movement from software delivery to business development at the right time has provided optimum thrust to my career graph. Also, in this regard, my decision to do a full-time regular MBA from IIM Indore (class of 2005) after a couple of years of work experience has helped me a lot in developing sharp business acumen and also in positioning myself appropriately in the corporate world in my area of interest.  Would also like to add that my stints across firms like PwC, Wipro and Infosys have contributed a lot towards shaping my career and professional growth.
My view on India technology development
One of the major obstacles in this regard is funding and investments. While angel investors and VC’s are spending on tech driven ventures, tech start ups are getting incubation support but yet there is a long way to go. In my opinion there needs to be a lot more availability of financial capital as well as support at various phases of starting up to ensure that a number of tech-based ventures take off and succeed. An entire ecosystem of tech enterpreneurs  need to survive, thrive and flourish to take the country to the next level of innovation. There is certainly no dearth of knowledge capital and with the advent of the ‘global’ Indian professional  over the past 20 odd years, global best practices, processes and work ethic have also registered their presence. The need of the hour is to make the ‘start-up’ climate more and more pleasant and conducive to trigger a self-multiplying growth spiral.
Family background
My father is a retired HR professional and has worked across corporates like SAIL, HPCL, Hawkins, Kinetic etc. He is still involved in training, research and consulting in related areas. He has done his Bachelors in Engineering and Masters in Management. My mother,  besides being a homemaker has dabbled in successful entrepreneurial stints in sectors spanning from education to hospitality. She has done her Bachelors in Philosophy.
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