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Advice Request
Anchal Margaret Dua
Anchal Margaret Dua

Anchal Margaret Dua

Founder Director



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Most Rewarding Moment
The most rewarding teaching experience was when i was asked to turnaround a local government school with absolutely no facilities to a vibrant school with a mission. From deciding on mission statement and setting a goal for transformation of the school in spite of political pressures, lack of financial support and inadequate infrastructure, I initiated the change.administered the school and taught students as well as teachers, empowered and energized them. It has always been my endeavor to initiate thinking in my pupils as a thinking mind is the mind of the future.
My Advice
My only advise would be to teach only after your learning has transformed into knowledge and wisdom.
Important Lesson
Whatever i have learned is all because of desire to discover, experience and experiment. I am passionate about learning and i will be a learner all my life. Studying acts as a stress buster for me, i forget everything when i am learning something new and i have deep hunger for knowledge. 'Aspire to gain lot of wisdom' is the one liner i leave behind with all my students.
Most Challenges facing by students
According to me the biggest challenge faced by the students of today is finding a school that prepare them to face the world with courage and confidence. A school that understands the need of 21st century, a school that will guide and help every student to reach their optimum potential. a school that Uplifts and energizes the students to face the global challenges.
Way to motivate Students
I inspire my students by example, i give a lot of emphasis to unlearning and relearning to senior students, I create a atmosphere of inquiry, i give lot of stress on experimental and experiential leaning. I teach them to question everything and learn for themselves. I appreciate innovation and creative thinking in students. In my class room their is total absence of threat.
Future of Indian Education System
Cloud based education is the future. It carries with it its own share of advantages and disadvantages. It is flexible and cost effective especially now since traditional university education is becoming expensive day by day. Also, technology is one of the most vital factor for growth in any industry. Similarly in education too it has been incorporated so as to improve the quality as well as reach out to a vast number of students across the globe.
My inspiring personality
I am inspired by various attributes of several great thinkers, especially those with a spiritual bend of mind.
I aspire to realize my full potential.
Strongest Subject
Sociology is my specialization, i always had a desire to understand the social dynamics and everything that happens when humans are in a group, i did study psychology too as it is very essential to understand human behavior, Human resource management my specialization is an extension of my strongest subject. I feel that every student should understand the dynamics of society and behavior of people in group, if one knows these subjects he/she is in better position to deal with people in a scientific and desirable manner.
Outlook about increase students’ participation
The school should take the responsibility to train the pupils actual functioning of Government and sensitize them their roles and responsibilities in nation building. Schools should not only teach the concepts and principles but stress on practice and experience by making pupils participate in administration of school/colleges and giving them the power to bring ideas for development of the institution which will catapult into ability to design strategies for the development of nation.

Never underestimate the Power of students..Make way, give them chance just lift their spirits when they need...this is what i believe..
Unique way of teaching
First and foremost there should be stringent rules for appointing of teachers/educators. Educators who are clear about how learning happens at a cellular level, the one who knows the scientific and spiritual aspects of teaching learning process only should take the huge responsibility of being educators.
The educator should be able to teach the students to think and use the knowledge of the learned concepts and principles in novel situations. I strongly believe in format of experiential learning. My suggestion is: Continues change and revamping of education system to catch up with the change that is happening at the fastest pace in all aspects of life.
Outlook about way to raise quality education
In my opinion 100% quality education to all the children of the nation. Excellent schools for training the educators, educators who will be excellent motivators, facilitators and those who have foresight and ability to have a wonderful vision of the future.

I am of the opinion that there should be a revolution in education process, strengthening education system by inclusive education. Values, ethics and aesthetics and human skills training to be introduced from primary to post graduate level, knowledge of humanities to be mandatory for science stream too. Inclusive education is the demand of today's times.
Family Background
A childhood where freedom to THINK and MAKE DECISIONS was given, that served as a great gift from parents.
Wife of a senior Naval officer who was catalyst in my growth-who was instrumental in giving me the opportunity to experience varied situations that helped me grow personally and professionally.
Favorite Non-Academic books
Norman vincent peale, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Robin Sharma, Rhonda Byrne, Articles by Vishan Lakiani, Swami Sukhbodhananda, Dale Carnegie to name a few, many common men/women have inspired me and had a great impact on my thinking..
The biggest impact was when i understood that MIND and its derivative-THE THOUGHTS is what we are and we need to recognize our intellectual power to guide and improve our thoughts so as to have an enriching life.
About Me
I am a post graduate in Sociology, Bachelor of Education and Masters in Business management specialized in Human resource Management. Total of 20 years of experience in teaching and administration of schools and colleges. I have 12 years of experience as a Lecturer in Saint Ann's college for women where i spearheaded a whole gamut of innovative programs to hasten the learning process in pupils.
Principal Modern school, Bangalore, Principal-Royale Concorde School Yelahanka, Principal and Chief Mentor-Global Institute of Corporate Education.
Presently Founder Director- isucceed.
My priorities
I am able to accomplish work life balance only because of the ability to prioritize. The skill i learned while i was on the path of self awareness and growth. I am able to efficiently multitask without causing stress to myself and others. My passion is to be the guiding light to aspiring students and imparting knowledge and skills is my top priority. I thrive to be a very organized human being.
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