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Advice Request
Anand Singh
Anand Singh

Anand Singh

Network Engineer

TATA Lockheed Martin Aerostructures Limited


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
Have 4 sibblings, mother homemaker, father retired Ex-Army man.
Parting thoughts
I am interested in Research and Development. Want to work for good project which could serve my country, my family and my society.
Points of inflection
The requirement for learning new technology has changed per project. I have worked basically for Data Center. Major was RCI, datacenter, then data center setup for Common Wealth Games, 2010 and then complete setup of data center and infrastructure for my present organization.
A Fine Balance:
Self-enthusiasm, Self-motivation and family support.
Degrees that Matter
Vendor Certification - Cisco Certified Network Associate.

I want my career to boost in security and ethical hacking.
Role Model
Mr. A P J Abdul Kalam. A person of simplicity. He is person who can answer any of your question. He is person with very high positive energy. Every word he speaks, gives essence to grow & lead towards science, raise name of the country, benefit society. His speech injects motivation, lasts long....
Essential Advice
I will listen and try to analyze and if analysis suggests, I will step in for this career.
Most Important Lessons
Technically a lot and felt working over it. Social lesson, Never believe anyone. Believable person will not come to you soon. People for their ease/their own work, will try to flatter you and will not turn in your case your requirement.
Current and Previous Responsibilities
Security(Firewall, Web-filter, IPS/IDS), Network(Data Center & Infra) and Server technology (VM)
Most Important Decisions
Tried learning each any every technology which came to me and tried to stick to it as much as possible.
Currently working at
Managing entire data center and Infrastructure for current organization. Planing to cover a module within SAP, but yet to decide the module.
The Journey So Far
Working under TATA Sons from start of my career. Earlier with TATA CMC Ltd as a Project Assignee and currently TATA Lockheed Martin Aerostructures Limited, both at Hyderabad Location.
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