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Advice Request
Chayan Kumar Saha
Chayan Kumar Saha

Chayan Kumar Saha

Quality Assurance

Cognizant Technology Solutions


Chayan Kumar Saha is a member of:

- Expert
Most Important Decisions
I moved to QA department from development
A Fine Balance:
Be cool.All works are very easy and nothing is impossible. Just you need to be careful and sincere. Then you will get enough time for you life after doing work.
The Journey So Far
Joined Cognizant in August 25th, 2008 and completed training in Advanced Java and joined Staples Team in January 1st, 2009. I have worked in development for the first one year then I moved to Staples QA team.
Current and Previous Responsibilities
Working as module lead from offshore
Degrees that Matter
No external certifications. But have done few internal certifications for domain and software testing
Currently working at
Skill Sets::SOA Testing,Data Validation,JAVA
Tools: Parasoft Tool,SOAP-UI, Talend ETL Tool,RHFUTIL,Oracle 10g Express Edition, Basics of AS400,Eclipse,Netbeans
Programming/Scripting Language: JAVA,HTML,JSP, JAVASCRIPT,XML
Others: MS Access, XML Notepad
Version Control Tools: Starteam
Points of inflection
Moved to Testing Services from JAVA development
Areas for the Future
JAVA, Groovy and JavaScript
Essential Advice
Come QA domain after having some technical knowledge like JAVA and some scripting knowledge like JAVA SCRIPT and Groovy. It will help you for your work as well as for your career.
Plans for the Future
Want to be Project Manager
Changes in the industry
Now most of the projects want automation. And all of us involved in innovation for doing work easily and effectively.
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