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Advice Request
Amit Lokare
Amit Lokare

Amit Lokare


Target Corp


Amit Lokare is a member of:

Family Background
My father is a retire IAF personal. He has retired as HFL(Honorary Flight Lieutenant) in 2008.
Mother is a home maker.
I have a sister who is mentally challenged.
My wife takes care of business in her fathers business.
Contribution to the field
Currently working for Target Corp
Job Prof:-
Designer - To design the IVR applications,handle team & overall development work. Make sure they adhere to Java & Target coding standards. Do peer review to achieve this. Also make sure that requirement is met and performance shouldn't be degraded.
Advice for upcoming professionals
Before jumping technically on the requirement,understand the business
An Application is a Solution given to a Business area. If the person understand the underlying business finding Software solutions becomes easy & interesting
Do develop Pattern/algorithm knowledge to become an effective developer.
Work life Management
1)Workplace-Prioritize work by looking @work & stakeholder need
2)I upgrade myself technically regularly
2)Health-Start my day by doing Yoga & in the evening I do gym for 30mins
3)Beat Stress-I play with neighbourhood kids
4)Time for Family-Effectively use leaves & weekends to spend quality time
Current Role
Domain Knowledge-Understand domain.And decipher the requirement
Designer-To design the app effectively to make sure that if platform changes in future application need not change
Implementation-Do Peer-to-Peer review to check Coding Standard along with Impl Plan and also check load on servers
Changes in professional environment
Those days there were not many tools were available & Professionals needs to be good with their API knowledge & techniques. Now the Prof Env has matured and so as infra which has made dev life easy and quick. Maintainability has eased.Professional have become innovative and google has made helped it
Your role model
Obama-when I look back I see even under so much of pressure and odds how confident and determined he was.
Hritik-He was suffering from severe back pain, under such cond he pulled himself to stardom & proved himself.
Shekhar(My STA & Mentor)-His dedication and passion towards work and family inspires
The Big Question
I believe I am still laying foundation for my success
I still need to learn a lot professionally & personally after which I can consider myself a successful Person
Having said all this I believe I am a good son, husband & brother & on top of all a good human being which makes me a successful person
Starting Differently Again
1) Having a mentor at the earlier stage of career.
2) Doing MS at the earlier stage of career.
3) Understanding business in more holistic manner.
4) Getting trained in various field/technologies.
The Most Important Game
While delivering the product to a client we found few discrepancies like performance.I was the key member to analyze the issue,fix the issue in a team of 7 members.Huge records were failing to deliver in PDF format.Fixed the issue in time & also performed a performance test to get system working.
Effective decision
Doing engineering - I was good in biology but very good mathematically. Getting in the engineering field gave me confidence and an edge which I wanted.
Product Company-Joining product company was a good decision as this made me learn lot of things in my initial days of career.
My Vision
I foresee myself in a good managerial position. A position wherein I will be taking critical decision for my company and people. I foresee myself as a grown professional who can inspire the younger generation to work effectively and passionately.
Areas for the Future
Like Ruby of Rails; Groovy on Grails is an important area.
With the introduction of Cloud Web development will be a totally improved area
Java in mobile technology will also matter as the world is getting smaller and smaller in peoples hand.
Learning’s/ Knowledge gaining
I've habit of going through websites to see what is happening in Java world & where Java is heading like JDK8 Release
I have started understanding Groovy on Grails by doing some small POCs.
Attended a training on how to make your website hackfree
I make sure to keep in touch with mentor to know more
Additional Certifications
Get Java Certification.
If time and money suffices do MS.
Get DB Certification in Oracle or IBM or Teradata etc.
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