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Advice Request
Akanksha Sagar
Akanksha Sagar

Akanksha Sagar

Business Analyst

Force Intellect Pvt. Ltd.

Degrees That Matter:
Yes I would like to recommend CBAP i.e. Certified Business Analysis Professional conducted by IIBA(International Institute of Business Analysis),Canada which is a professional certification for individuals with extensive Business Analysis experience.
Growth Strategy:
As this journey is all about survival of the fittest, I believe in continuous learning that will help not only to survive but to stay ahead in this era of immense competition. To grow and develop as a leader I keep myself updated, work on my limitations and enhance my managerial skills.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
A recent accomplishment I am proud of is qualifying the first phase of Economic Times Young Leaders-2014.
Job Profile:
I am working as a Business Analyst in an IT company wherein my role is to directly interact with project stakeholders(both internal as well as at the client end),understand their business and problems, gather requirements and provide them with a solution to overcome their challenges through our inbuilt software solution.
The Journey So Far:
My journey in the corporate world so far has been very exciting and very challenging at every phase. I got a chance to explore my inner capabilities as i handled a couple of responsibilities. Apart from Business Analyst I also was actively involved in company's marketing as well as web strategy. I took every opportunity as a challenge ,gave my best and found amazing results.
Advice For New Professionals:
In the era of fierce competition professionals must have certain competencies like effective communication, embracing learning and growth be it systems , technology or business to cope up with sheer pace of technological advancements . They should have passion for technology , must have new ideas that can align themselves with client expectations and deliver exceptional values. And last but not the least accountability as with great power comes great responsibilities, so they need to learn to be accountable.
Working Life Management:
The most difficult task but i somehow manage it by setting priorities and then giving my time and importance as per priorities.
The Decisions That Matter
First and foremost an important decision for me was to chose between M.Tech or MBA after graduation in B.E.(Computer Science). Though getting a Master's Degree in Business Administration itself is a big challenge in itself that requires rigorous hard work and determination.
The next important decision was to chose the profile for my Job, which I chose to be a Business Analyst as it is a very Challenging profile. These are the two important decisions I have taken so far. But it would be absurd if I say ,all other small decisions are not important because every decision small or big is imperative in itself and you can never predict where a small decision right or wrong can land you.
Plans For The Future:
A couple of years from now I see myself as a Team Lead in a reputed company accomplished with a couple of certifications.
Career Profile:
As this is my first job in the role of Business Analyst,my current responsibilities include business analysis,requirement gathering, coordinating the project and also a bit of project management.Apart from BA I also handle a couple of responsibilities that includes formulating marketing and web strategy for my company.
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