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Advice Request
Aditya Atluri
Aditya Atluri

Aditya Atluri

management consultant

Ace Square Consultancy


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
Mine is a nuclear family, my father is a doctor, he is a practising chest physician and sonologist, mother is a physics professor. I have an younger sister who is pursuing masters in surgery. So basically life sciences and physical sciences have become a part of my life while growing up...
Other Thoughts:
Since dad was a doctor, I happened to be in the company of many doctors and also since I am ardent listener with good memory, I tend to digest most of the facts... Despite these I could not see myself in that community, rather I chose to become what I am today...
Working Life Management:
I give utmost importance to my personal life, I follow simple algorithm to identify the most important tasks of my work and manage my time to complete them, if you respect time and its value, it gives back enough time to manage your personal life as well.
Plans For The Future:
At the current pace I am proceeding, I would see myself in the executive management team of a corporate company or at least part of the management team as an affiliate.
Degrees That Matter:
may be CFA level courses and corporate restructuring certifications...
Job Profile:
I am currently working as a management consultant in business advisory services in strategy planning, business development, delivery of innovative management programs, performance improvement through redesign of internal operations and developing affiliate partnerships to facilitate growth.
Career Profile:
My current responsibilities include strategy planning and business development, where as in my previous profile I was confined to generate and analyse the reports. My current profile helps me to make decisions on those analysis for once I have made..
The Journey So Far:
I started my career in a service based corporation after my graduation in engineering, I steadily grew up the ladder to become a project leader, it is then I realised that there is something more i could offer for a company. Then I have completed my MBA and started working as a management consultant
Done Differently:
Since i had a very clear picture in my mind, I have nothing to indifferently, but
I could have done some freelance projects during my launchpad of my career.
The Decisions That Matter
I think the decision to complete my post graduate degree (MBA) is the most important decision, as I had to make economical calculations and forego the amount of money that I could have potentially make during the course..
Advice For New Professionals:
respect time, have clear goals, work hard in a smart way, always be keen to learn from your peers and always be open to accept challenges.
Growth Strategy:
I have learned to collaborate and compromise in order to create synergies with the people I will be working. In doing so not only I can command respect but also steer them in the right direction, with the analytical abilities that I possess.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Definitely, the professional environment has changed very much to accommodate the ever changing markets and also the global network externalities that are involved. So to survive in a difficult scenario the necessary changes are incorporated. So on so forth we have to adapt to the changes.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
1. I have successfully developed a business plan for one of my clients that generated a turnover of $ 1,000,000/-.
2. I have successfully redesigned the internal business processes of a company that realised a saving of $100,000 per year.
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