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Advice Request
Sunil Ganta
Sunil  Ganta

Sunil Ganta

Senior Management Consultant


Couple of years from now
Center of Excellence Program Manager for a Start up preferably my own or in Partner ship with like minded professionals
Important decision
Moving into Quality Assurance and ERP Especially
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Lead by example
Thoughts on Education system of our country
It is the best until School Level but need to be updated in Higher studies in Par with the developed countries especially in research, we have been used to a kind of service oriented education system rather than leading and innovating.
My family background
My dad is a Commerce Grad, worked in Indian Army, he worked in various countries for 18 years since I was in Sixth grade, he sacrificed his prime married life to make sure me and my 2 sisters had good education and have a good life. My grandfather was teacher, probably with all this background my dad taught us many good things about life from very early stages of life
Degree that I recommend
six Sigma
Ensuring success
working in various verticals and Horizontals of Business rather than sticking to one Business domain
Important lesson learned
every organization's working style is different, so never get used to stereo type working style
My achievements
I don't know if I can call it an achievement but I have a reputation that I have built in the last 10 years in USA, that if there is a Quality Assurance multi tasking project on which everyone has lost hope or very critical and in Dire Straits, I am sought after for this kind of Projects
Initiative to develop a country
Diversify into various verticals of Technology rather than just concentrate on one technology like IT
Influenced by
Six Sigma Training because this is considered the Zenith in Quality Assurance
My strongest skill
Communication and Negotiation
My role model
My Uncle Musunuri Subba Rao, he came from a very humble back ground completed his Masters in Commerce and built a successful business and was also very successful in Politics, did Mayor of Vijayawada city, he is successful in multi faceted verticals and horizontals of life.
Brief description about me
I am Grad in Technology started my career in Middle East and then worked for GE in HYD and HCL Pero in Noida and various other companies in India, notable is ICS(Infinite Computer Solutions) Bangalore, they sent me to USA to outsource a Project for them which I successfully did and I never looked back working in USA since then.
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