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Advice Request
Devesh Mehrotra
Devesh Mehrotra

Devesh Mehrotra


DH Group

Family Background
I belong to a punjabi khatri family based in Varanasi. My family is my biggest asset and provides me strength whenever i feel low. It is due to my family's support that I have become the person I am today.
Everyone should keep in mind that our family members are everything we need to move ahead. They will praise us for good deeds,guide us when we are low at will power and criticize us when we are wrong.
View s for better India
Students are the backbone for the growth of nation. Nothing great can ever be achieved if the students all over the nation are not motivated and educated properly. Every thing we aspire can be achieved if the students are motivated nicely because as per my perspective a good student will try to eradicate the irregularities in society. The improvement in a society will cause improvement in an area and thus will lead to improvement and development of nation.
Most influenced factor
The person who inspired me most to choose a businessman's life rather than going for a job hunt is my father. Through my years of graduation,he always kept my mind free of the worries he has associated to business. He always asked me to decide my career on my own and always supported my decision. In my last year,he talked me through to make "the move" by which my whole life will be decided. He told me how and what do when I will be appearing for interviews. He also told me various aspects of our family business and many other things which I never knew. That day, I made my decision that I will rather become a job giver than being a job seeker.
Favorite subject
My strongest subject throughout my education has been Mathematics. I have seen and heard that many people are afraid of this subject but I just love it. In my school days,I failed a lot in Maths. In class 7th half-yearly, I was even given a warning that if I fail in Maths exam in finals then they won't allow me to clear the class. My Maths teacher Mr. Ajay Adhikari saw the fear and taught me how to overcome the fear and have fun with numbers. It was his guidance that I scored 70+ marks in my final exams. In my next classes i.e. 8th-10th, I had the best Maths teacher that anyone could have. He inspired me so much for this subject that I started doing all the exercises before he asked us to.
It was his guidance that I am so good at mathematics.
Challenges facing by students
The biggest challenge being faced by students currently is the "Pressure". They all are pressurized to do everything like donkeys. And the mother of these "Pressure" is comparison. Right from our childhood,we all are compared with someone else whether he may be from our locality or relation. Parents should understand that these comparisons kills the confidence level of their child.
The only solution to this problem is to stop comparison and start motivation. Parents should criticize as well as praise their children but should never compare them.
If these ideas are taken into consideration then the students will be relieved of pressures and will naturally workout with their lives.
Spare time activities
My best activity of free time is poetry whether it is being written by me or I am reading of someone else. Besides this I like surfing over the internet for various things which might aid me in my business and other things.
Most proud accomplishment
There have not been so good accomplishments yet that I should be proud of.
Most flourishing college experience
Well this incident goes back to the year of 2010. The college people were going to organize a mock test just like CAT for the students to help them and give them first-hand experience of the CAT. I thought giving it a try as my maths was good so I enrolled myself along with my friends. In the exam room,I saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. I just knew one thing that she was senior to me and was in biotechnology.
After the exam,I began to gather info about her so that I could become her friend. After a few days,we had an encounter at a coffee shop outside the college. I went to her and started talking to her. Soon we became friends and then fell in love.
So I can say that "Love" was the best reward I would have got for taking that mock test.
Favorite Books and Articles
The last non academic book which inspired me most was "The Alchemist". It depicted how should we keep following our dreams until we turn into reality. It also taught that in pursuit of our dreams,we will feel that we have achieved much and should not continue further. But the truth is that these all successes are the illusions which keep us from our dreams.
First Job Expectation
As per me,if I am looking for a job,the most important things are :-
1. Distance from your home,
2. Growth you can have at that organization,
3. Does it pays you enough to afford a life in the city (if working in a different city) you are working at.
My uniqueness
The thing that I feel remarkable about me is my brain. It is capable of multitasking and gives me enormous ideas continuously,rather it be good or bad (most of the time they are good only).
About Myself
I have a very versatile character. I can be a best friend or worst enemy. I can be a good adviser or a bad illusioner. My character totally depends on the type of people or person I am with.
Additional information
Anyone can feel free to contact me for anything whether it be talks of motivation,career guidance,business ideas or even it can be a quadratic equation of your maths book.
Time Management
Well prioritization is done on the basis of importance of the thing. The most important thing gets full time to be dealt with rather be it business issues or any other matters related to me.
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