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Advice Request
Anamika S Rao
Anamika S Rao

Anamika S Rao


Globe Infosystems


Anamika S Rao is a member of:

Qualities that we Look For While Hiring:
Stability in one organization
Roles & responsibilities
Competency & Calibre of the person if he / she's suiting the requirement
Advice For Fellow HR Leaders:
Keeep up the goood work!
Recommended Reading
Parting Thoughts
Well, this is the first time I've shared my views on the website, had a wonderful experience answering them..! I had a quick recap of the challenges we faced being an HR but I've enjoyed every bit of my experience. I've learnt a lot & have no regrets at all! Thank you Silicon India for making me go through this.

Helping to develop the country
"You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give as the best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others". The 3Ds - Discipline, Determination & Dedication towards whatever they do will help India become a developed country.
HR Strategies In Place
"Strategic Recruitment" is what differentiates us from other recruitment solution providers. Our team strongly believes that maintaining network, public relation and one to one communication would make them provide the best to their clients.
Relationship with HR and Top Management
Communicate the right information to the right department at the right time.
Pain Points:
Oh! I'm sure all the HRs will have the common answer! right from scheduling the interview to keeping a track of them while they are serving their notice period & getting them on board on the date of joining can be a pain! Sometimes it shivers down your spine when the candidate doesn't show up on the date of joining after all efforts! as we are answerable to our higher ups!
Identifying and Promoting New Leaders:
Consistency in their performance, Leadership skills, Confidence
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