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Advice Request
Pranay Garg
Pranay Garg

Pranay Garg

Business Analyst Lead


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Family Background
My family is based out of delhi. My father is a Chartered Accountant and my mother is a housewife. They always taught me good and positive things about life. My family is pretty simple and down to earth.
Concept of BI
Business Intelligence helps to manage data by applying different skills, technologies, security and quality risks. This also helps in achieving a better understanding of data. Business intelligence can be considered as the collective information. It helps in making predictions of business operations
Role of BI
BI allows organizations to get a more accurate and detailed picture of what is going on in terms of business and customers. BI can bring visibility into the organization at granular levels and help link different aspects together.
Measures to be taken
Business intelligence refers to the use of technology to collect and effectively use information to improve business effectiveness. With business intelligence, one will be able to turn information into knowledge, and knowledge into profit. It helps organisation to track, understand, and manage data
Definition of BI
Business Intelligence represents the tools and systems that play a key role in the strategic planning process of the corporation. These systems allow a company to gather, store, access and analyze corporate data to aid in decision-making.
Describe your struggle of achieving success
- Hard work
- Storng Network
- Vision
- Interaction
- Taking Risks
- Keep Learning
Different from others
- BI is user defined and scalable
- BI data source is flexible
- BI is a platform where as the other streams is available as solution
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