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How to get some text display after the Image on my file. but it happens to show after the image.

What I want is - text should appear right after the image on the right side of the page.

<a href= home.html> Home </a> | <a href= current.html> Current Openings </a> | <a href= News.html> News
i have given assignment:
Try and create a basic website with multiple links.
Pages: Home | About | Services | Contact
Please create 4 different pages and link it. Zip the folder and upload it

i have created 4 different html files but don't know how to upload the assignment. please help me.

I have prepared thumbnail like gallery using Hyperlink and Img Src..
Now how can I insert titles to the images.

<a href="Image1.jpg" Target="_blank"><Img Src="Image1.jpg" width="150" height="150"/></a>
<a href="Image2.jpg" Target="_blank"><Img Src="Image2.jpg" width="150" height="150"/></a>
<a href="Image3.jpg" Target="_blank"><Img Src="Image3.jpg" width="150" height="150"/></a>

Thanks in advance
How can I put two hyperlinks on an image without making the image itself a link?
Can we make a text to scroll from one side to other in HTML?

I saw certain site which have different colors for links...i mean before i click and after i return the color of the link changes....can i know how to do create such links....Thanx in advance...

Both the tags generate the same result. So which one to choose and why?
How I can insert an image as background in a table?
Dear Sir,
I am trying to insert a image on my webpage but it's size is too large. Please let me know how I can change size of an Image.
Dear Sir,
please help me out to create a hyperlink for a topic in the same page.
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