Here's How Apple Got Much More Elegant Over Time

# Mid 2007- present

Apple’s homepage search bar had completely changed by the Mid 2007, where the company maintained the same for quite some time. Then 2011, Apple gave it a darker shade navigation bar with a much easier search bar which stays till now.

However, according to the cult of Mac website, Apple’s website has not had major changes since its old times. In 1998, the company launched its website with the four main components on it which are still in use.

# The Big Box- It is the biggest section on the homepage reserved to feature the newly launched gadgets

# Hot news- A designated spot for the news feeds on the homepage which displays all the latest product news from Apple instead of displaying the news all over the front page.

# Small promotion boxes- Used to highlight the smaller products offered by Apple.

# Navigation Bar

From years, Apple has been working on these four components to make the website look sharper and more user friendly.

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