Facebook To Challenge Amazon Soon?

Facebook had said earlier this year that it would avoid a direct purchasing feature on its news feed.

But Facebook is now feeling the pressure to compete with sites like Twitter, which recently released a ‘buy now’ button that lets users buy items directly from paid—for tweets and the online mega—giant Amazon, which packs its devices with features that take the users directly into the Amazon Store, compelling them to make purchases in the moment.

However, the nature of purchasing something with a simple tap on a screen, has recently come under scrutiny.

A federal lawsuit filed against Amazon last week alleges that the online retailer took in millions of dollars through in-app payments by unsuspecting children.

In the case, the Federal Trade Commission is contending that parents were unknowingly billed for charges made by their children while playing games that required actual currency which appeared to be part of the game and seemed no different than the games’ play currency.

To assuage the concerns of privacy by its more than 1.2 billion users, Facebook says no credit or debit card information users share will be given to advertisers.

“We have built this feature with privacy in mind, and have taken steps to help make the payment experience safe and secure,” the post reads.

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Source: PTI