Mobile Facebook Will Disturb You Soon

Bangalore: If you are a mobile Facebook user, be prepared for receiving hundreds of location based ads on your device, which will send you an ad of a shoe store or a restaurant just one block away from where you stand.

Apparently, on its efforts to monetize the mobile platform, Facebook is researching on various opportunities. "We are always looking at different opportunities across mobile," a Facebook spokeswoman said in a statement. Location based advertising is one among them which will allow the companies to use real time data of users to target the specific ads to them.

"Phones can be location-specific so you can start to imagine what the product evolution might look like over time, particularly for retailers," said Carolyn Everson, Facebook's vice president of global marketing solutions.

The company did not reveal when the location based advertising would start rolling out. But users can expect it anytime soon.

On April, Facebook had revealed that it has 488 million mobile users, from whom the company is not generating any revenues. Facebook even faced a lawsuit for hiding this information to small investors during its IPO fiasco.

Recently, Emily White, Facebook’s Director of Mobile Partnerships, revealed that 30% of its Indian users access the service only through mobile phones and also its mobile user base is expanding fast.

So we can expect a change in the mobile appearance of the social network, likely not to be appealing to user due to the over-presence of ads.