20 Tech Skills That Will Instantly Get You Big Salary

Bangalore: With the right tech skills you can command a hefty salary. Every counselor will tell you that the most important thing in the corporate world today is to know the value of your skills in the market. Armed with that knowledge you can walk into any interview and state your worth and watch silently while the interviewer cringes in agony.

Here is a list of 20 High paying skills:

#20 SaaS

Value in the Market - $101,000

Software as a Service, sometimes referred to as “on-demand software” is a delivery system where enterprises do not have to buy the software permanently, instead, the it  can be leased or subscribed to for a sum and users can access it using a browser. Salesforce.com, founded by Marc Benioff, is the classic example of SaaS.

IT experts who are experienced enough to manage SaaS and security issues are in high demand.

#19 Change Management

Value in the Market - $101,000

A Greek philosopher named Heraclitus said “The only constant is change.”

It would appear that the statement holds true not only in philosophy but also in technology. From this theory stems a discipline called ‘Change Management.’

Change managers handle everything from Mission changes, Strategic changes, Operational changes, Technological changes, Changing the attitudes and behaviors of personnel. Change managers assess the current situation and provide an estimate of how change can affect the organization or team.

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