How I Concentrate Inspite Of Distractions

Bangalore: Our everyday life is filled with distractions, starting from the noise of the kids next door to the innumerable cars honking on the road. The moment you start working on something important, that is when you are bound to get an important call from a client, or someone walking with a file to get your approval. An entrepreneur is expected to be a jack of all trades, which makes more space for the mind to wander about wondering about what else should be done. But is there any way to avoid being distracted?

Maintaining A Task Book

Sriram Manoharan, Founder, Contus Support Interactive“Failure to execute a plan because of carelessness or lethargy is one thing which makes me lose my cool. I maintain a physical task book and a pen with me always. The first thing I do when I start work is to list down all the tasks I have to do that day, including meetings, emailing, follow-up, content creation, reviewing the project status, or anything that is needed to move the business forward. I strike down each and every task one by one as the day progresses, and I won’t call the end of the day as a happy ending if there are any tasks not struck off,” says Sriram Manoharan, Founder, Contus Support Interactive.

When it comes to creating an environment to help increase concentration, Manoharan feels that challenging projects or the fear of failure helps him concentrate better, keep his mind sharp and open for new opportunities. “I feel that one should list down all his tasks and set up deadlines in order to increase concentration. Also, it is very important to have fun whenever you get time. I have never failed to celebrate when I succeed which can even be something very trivial,” says Manoharan.

Sriram Manoharan is the Managing Director and CBDO, Contus Support Interactive, a futuristic software and mobile application development company. It provides a simple, robust and cost effective approach to its clients to outsource their services to India.